Welcome to the Practical download page! Here, you can find all the necessary resources to complete your practical assignment.
Please download the instructions, datasets, and source code for the practicals for the programming language you are using (MATLAB or Python).
Practical #1
Slides to practical 1 can be downloaded here.
MATLAB downloads | Python downloads |
Matlab Instructions | Python Instructions |
Matlab Dataset | Python Dataset |
Matlab Functions | Python Function |
Practical #1 Solution
Solutions to practical 1 can be downloaded here.
Practical #2
Slides to practical 2 can be downloaded here.
MATLAB downloads | Python downloads |
Matlab Instructions | Python Instructions |
Matlab Dataset | Python Dataset |
Matlab Functions (same as practical #1) | Python Function (same as practical #1) |
Practical #3
Slides to practical 3 can be downloaded here.
MATLAB downloads | Python downloads |
Matlab Instructions | Python Instructions |
Matlab Dataset | Python Dataset |
Matlab Functions | Python Function |
Practical #3 Solution
Solutions to practical 3 can be downloaded here.
Practical #4
Slides to practical 4 can be downloaded here.
MATLAB downloads | Python downloads |
Matlab Instructions | Python Instructions |
Matlab Dataset (same as practical #3) | Python Dataset (same as practical #3) |
Matlab Functions (same as practical #3) | Python Function (same as practical #3) |