50 Years Chair of Land Management - 50 Years Commitment for a more just World
Celebration on November 8th, 2024
On 8 November 2024, the Chair of Land Management (Lehrstuhl Bodenordunung und Landentwicklung), supported by the Förderkreis Bodenordunung und Landentwicklung), hosted a symposium to celebrate its 50th Birthday. Besides the presence of three consecutive Chair holders, the event brought together multiple colleagues and former colleagues, alumni, students, connections to the public administration, as well as contributors to the research and education of the Chair. The festive event started with a welcome word from Prof. De Vries, followed by a presentation by Dr. Rolf-Dieter Jungk, Head of Office of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts. After this, Prof. Gerhard Müller, vice President of the TUM, and Dr. Helmut Bröll, on behalf of the Förderkreis, provided some words of welcome, referring to the history and constitution and the achievements of the Chair. Then, Prof. Holger Magel led a panel discussion with representatives from politics (Robert Brannekämper, Member of the State Parliament), local authorities (Matthias Simon, Bavarian Association of Local Authorities), rural development administration (Roland Spiller, StMELF) and science (Prof. de Vries). Presentations from 3 continents followed. Prof. Eugene Chigbu (currently at NUST/Namibia, alumnus and former staff member) presented how he is working on the land management agenda in Africa, Prof. Melissa Schumacher (currently at UDLAP/Mexico, doctoral graduate from the Chair) presented her research activities in Mexico, and Prof. Iwan Rudiarto (currently at UNDIP/Indonesia, alumnus of the land management program ) showed the land management and spatial planning progress in Indonesia. A panel discussion led by Prof de Vries with Dr.-Ing. Samuel Mabikke (EU Team Leader), Dr. Pamela Duran Diaz (IHS Erasmus University Rotterdam), and Daniel Kirumira (Team Leader Responsible Land Policy Uganda, GIZ) discussed their experiences in international projects and associated success factors. The event was closed by a personal story of Tobias Bendzko, land management alumnus and the current managing director of the Chair.
The Faculty of Encironmental Engineering and Land Surveying, University of Agriculture in Krakow congratulate the previous, present and future generations of the institute's employees and wish them further scientific success and continuation of this impressive achievements in the coming years (Congratulation letter)!