Jan Kayser, M.Sc.

Jan did his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and is master in aerospace engineering at TU-Braunschweig. In his master thesis Jan worked on adaptive control approaches for a cold gas rocket hopper and tested in software and experimentally. In April 2024 Jan joined the chair to further his research in intelligent rocket engine control.
Failure Detection and Identification
Adaptive Control
Optimal Control
Project Work
The Bavarian Future In-orbit Transportation Engine (BAFITE) project is a cooperation between the space startup Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) and the Chair of Space Mobility and Propulsion. RFA is developing their in orbit propulsion system (Fenix Engine) whilst the TUM is developing a vacuum test bench for low thrust (< 4kN) rocket engines.
F. Ebert, J. Kayser, C. Manfletti, ‘Fault Detection and Recovery for a 1 Degree of Freedom Cold Gas Propelled Hopper through Adaptive Control’, presented at SPACE PROPULSION 2024, Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.