Funded by BMBF
Project Lead
Prof. Dr. Xiaoxiang Zhu
Cooperation Partners
2019 – 2022
The Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 missions outperform comparable satellite missions; the Sentinel satellites are designed to observe the entire Earth’s surface at higher cadences, with higher spatial resolution, and by adding sensors scanning at radar wavelengths. These advantages also come with challenges. First, the figure shows how fundamentally different the information content is for images of both missions, which observe the same region of Munich at radar and optical wavelengths, respectively. On top, all mentioned advantages of the Sentinel missions result in a vastly increased total data volume. The community therefore had to investigate innovative approaches to effectively process these data for large-scale monitoring projects. We have responded to this challenge with the project AI4Sentinels. It turns out that Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques help to process these diverse data and exploit maximal information out of the imagery.