
On October 24, Eike Hoffmann has successfully defended his thesis entitled Predicting Building Functions by Fusing Social Media and Remote Sensing Data, supervised by Prof. Xiao Xiang Zhu. The defense committee members were Prof. Martin Werner (chair), Prof. Xiao Xiang Zhu, Prof. Nathan Jacobs, and…

We are proud to share that the EagleEyes team, composed by Ridvan S. Kuzu, Frauke Albrecht (Helmholtz AI @ DKRZ), Caroline Arnold  (Helmholtz AI @ DKRZ), Roshni Kamath  (Helmholtz AI @ FZJ)  and Kai Konen  (Helmholtz AI @ DLR)  won the first prize of the Hyperview: Seeing Beyond the…

The 1st AI4EO Symposium of the Future Lab was succsessfully held at the TUM Campus Ottobrunn, on October 13-14, 2022.

On September 13, Matthias Häberle has successfully defended his thesis entitled Fusion of Remote Sensing Images and Social Media Text Messages for Building Function Classification, supervised by Prof. Xiao Xiang Zhu. The defense committee members were Prof. Martin Werner (chair), Prof. Xiao Xiang…

We are glad to share that our colleague Prof. Dr. Ing. Mihai Datcu has been awarded with the IEEE GRSS David Landgrebe Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Earth Observation analysis using innovative concepts for big data analysis, image mining, machine learning, smart sensors,…

Without doubt, climate change is a grand and global challenge, if not the challenge that humanity has to face today and in the future. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reached a clear consensus on the severity of the Climate Crisis. Today, we are experiencing a climate with…

Congratulation to Yi Wang and Chenying Liu, the winning team of the International AI Archeology Challenge, organized by Ben-Gurion-University, the Israel Data Science Initiative IDSI and the Helmholtz Imaging Platform HIP. They came up with a code in just two days to help Ben-Gurion-University…

The team Tanmlh, composed by Fahong Zhang, Zhitong Xiong, Qingsong Xu, Wei Yao, Yilei Shi, Xiao Xiang Zhu, has been awarded with the third prize in the Landslide4Sense Challenge. The aim of the competition is to promote innovative algorithms for automatic landslide detection using remote sensing…

On June 23, Yuansheng Hua has successfully defended his thesis entitled Deep Learning for Aerial Scene Understanding from the Lab to the Wild, supervised by Prof. Xiao Xiang Zhu and Prof. Lichao Mou. The defense committee members were Prof. Urs Hugentobler (chair), Prof. Xiao Xiang Zhu, Prof. Lichao…

The paper Cloud removal in Sentinel-2 imagery using a deep residual neural network and SAR-optical data fusion, authored by Andrea Meraner, Patrick Ebel, Xiao Xiang Zhu, and Michael Schmitt, has received the U. V. Helava Award 2020-2021 for the best paper in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and…