Special Issue on “Computer Vision for Remote Sensing”
Currently, massive streams of earth observation data are being systematically collected from different cutting-edge optical and radar sensors, on-board satellite, aerial and terrestrial platforms.
These exponentially increasing amount of data including both images and video sequences of different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions, monitor constantly the earth's surface. In order to fully exploit these datasets and timely deliver crucial information for numerous engineering, environmental, safety and security applications, novel computer vision and machine learning methods are required towards efficiently dissecting and interpreting the data, drawing conclusions that the broader public can turn into action.
This special issue aims at showcasing the latest advances and trends in computer vision and machine learning algorithms for remote sensing data exploitation. Its scope is interdisciplinary and seeks collaborative contributions from academia and industrial experts in the areas of geoscience and remote sensing, signal processing, computer vision, machine learning and data science. Visit https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computer-vision-and-image-understanding/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-computer-vision-for-remote-sensing for more details.
Manuscripts are solicited to address a wide range of topics on computer vision techniques and remote sensing data understanding, including but not limited to the following:
• Performance Evaluation and Benchmark Datasets
• Multi-sensor Data Analysis, 3D Computer Vision
• Object/ Target Detection, Recognition and Identification
• Transfer Learning and Statistical Learning Methods
• Big Data, Large Scale Methods
• Deep Learning Techniques
• Motion and Tracking, Space Video Analytics
• Time series data analysis, change detection
• Integration of ground and non-image data in remote sensing pipelines
• Applications
Papers should be submitted electronically using the Elsevier CVIU submission system (http://ees.elsevier.com/cviu) and following the Instructions for Authors
(http://www.elsevier.com/journal-authors/home). Please select "VSI:RSensing" as article type name when you submit papers
● Submission Deadline: September 1, 2018
● First Round Decisions: January 31, 2019
● Revisions Deadline: April 15, 2019
● Final Round Decisions: August 15, 2019
● Online Publication: September 2019
Guest Editors
Dr. Vakalopoulou Maria, Junior Lead Editor, Centre de Vision Numerique, CentraleSupelec, Universite Paris-Saclay. maria.vakalopoulou(at)centralesupelec.fr
Dr. Nathan Jacobs, Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky. jacobs(at)cs.uky.edu
Dr. Karantzalos Konstantinos, Remote Sensing Lab, National Technical University of Athens. karank(at)central.ntua.gr
Dr. Tuia Devis, Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University and Research. devis.tuia(at)wur.nl
Dr. Zhu Xiaoxiang, Remote Sensing Technology Institute, DLR & Signal Processing in Earth Observation, Technical University of Munich. xiao.zhu(at)dlr.de