M.Sc Michael Frühauf
Pronomen: er/ihm
Technische Universität München
Professur für Lunare und Planetare Exploration (Prof. Reiß)
Lise-Meitner-Str. 9-11
85521 Ottobrunn
Telefon: +49 89 289-55683, +49 89 289-16006
Raum: 9377.02.212, 5506.02.609
E-Mail: m.fruehauf(at)tum.de
Homepage: www.michaelfruehauf.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-5046-0975
ResearchGate: Profil
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- Feuerkugel- und Meteoroidenfluss
- Projekt AllBert EinStein
- Bevorstehende Asteroideneinschläge
- Erdnahe Objekte
Vovk, M., Koschny, D., Frühauf, M., Gscheidle, C., Hugentobler, U., Heumann, V., Lips, T., Fritsche, B., Maigler, M., Pessina, V., Šilha, J., Tóth, J., Pazderova, V. & Matlovič, P. (2023). Meteoroid ablation simulations with ESA’s SCARAB software. Planetary and Space Science, 238, 105785. [Download Paper]
Vovk, M., Koschny, D., Frühauf, M., Gscheidle, C. & Heumann, V. (2023). Artificial meteoroid re-entry simulations for the AllBert EinStein mission, WGN, the Journal of the IMO . International Meteor Organization, 51(2), 33-37. [Download Paper]
Frühauf, M., Gscheidle, C., Koschny, D., Heumann, V. & Vovk, M. (2022). Project AllBert EinStein: Creating a fireball with an artificial meteoroid In U. Pajer, Á. Kereszturi, C. Steyaert, J. Rendtel, R. Rudawska, C. Verbeeck, M. Gyssens & F. Ocaña (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference. International Meteor Organization. [Download Paper]
Koschny, D., Frühauf, M., Deivasihamani, D., Soneji, A., Heidegger, Y., Huber, T. & Vallejo Ortiz, J. (2022). Preparing the characterization of the AllSky7 camera system In U. Pajer, Á. Kereszturi, C. Steyaert, J. Rendtel, R. Rudawska, C. Verbeeck, M. Gyssens & F. Ocaña (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference. International Meteor Organization. [Download Paper]
Frühauf, M., Micheli, M., Oliviero, D. & Koschny, D. (2021, April 26–30). Meerkat Asteroid Guard imminent impactor warning service of the European Space Agency [Poster session]. 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference, Vienna, Austria. [Download Poster, Download Abstract]
Frühauf, M. (2020). SMPAG Meeting February 2020: Mapping of threat scenarios to mission types. European Space Agency. [Download Report]
Frühauf, M., Micheli, M., Santana-Ros, T., Jehn, R., Koschny, D. & Ramírez Torralba, O. (2019). A systematic ranging technique for follow-ups of NEOs detected with the Flyeye telescope. In T. Flohrer, R. Jehn & F. Schmitz (Eds.), 1st NEO and Debris Detection Conference. ESA Space Safety Programme Office. [Download Paper]
Ramírez Torralba, O., Jehn, R., Koschny, D., Frühauf, M., Jehn, L. S. & Praus, A. (2019). Simulation of sky surveys with the Flyeye telescope. In T. Flohrer, R. Jehn & F. Schmitz (Eds.), 1st NEO and Debris Detection Conference. ESA Space Safety Programme Office. [Download Paper]
Vereinsblatt der Bayerischen Volkssternwarte München e.V. (2022/1): Steine - Wachsame Erdmännchen aus Europa
8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 2023 (Apr. 2023): First Results of a Fireball Flux Measurement with the AllSky7 Fireball Network [Conference Website, Download Extended Abstract, Download Presentation]
EU-ESA Workshop on NEO Imminent Impactors Warning Coordination (Dec. 2022): Meerkat Asteroid Guard – ESA's imminent impactor warning service [Conference Website, Download Presentation]
International Meteor Conference 2022 (Sept. 2022): Project AllBert EinStein: creating a fireball with an artificial meteoroid [Conference Website, Video]
Meteoroids 2022 (June 2022): A Comparison of Cloud Coverage Determinations for Fireball Networks [Conference Website]
Volkssternwarte München (June 2022): Das erstaunliche Leben eines erdnahen Asteroiden [Ankündigung]
Astronight - TUM Physikfachschaft (July 2021): Starlike objects: Asteroids [Ankündigung]
Asteroid Day - European Southern Observatory (June 2019): Was macht die ESA bezüglich erdnaher Asteroiden? [Ankündigung]
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Lehre und Vorlesungsorganisation
Titel | Semester | Art |
Near-Earth Objects for Engineers and Physicists | SoSe | VO |
↳ Near-Earth Objects for Engineers and Physicists - Tutorial | SoSe | UE |
Aviation and Space Medicine (Chair of Astronautics) | WiSeSe | VO |
Systems Engineering (Chair of Astronautics) | SoSe | VO |
↳ Systems Engineering - Tutorial (Chair of Astronautics) | SoSe | UE |