Johanna Noria Brecher, M.Sc.

Professur für Lunare and Planetare Exploration (Prof. Reiẞ)
Lise-Meitner-Str. 9
85521 Ottobrunn
Telefon: +49 (89) 289 - 55685
Raum: 9377.02.211
E-Mail: j.n.brecher(at)
Falls du an meinen Forschungsthemen interessiert und auf der Suche nach einer Bachelor-, Semester- oder Masterarbeit bist, schau dir gerne unsere Liste mit aktuellen Themen an und sende eine E-Mail mit deinen vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen und einer kurzen Beschreibung, welche Themen dich interessieren. Initiativbewerbungen mit eigenen Themenvorschlägen sind auch möglich.
Brecher, N., Kreuzig, C., Meier, G., Schuckart, C., and Blum, J.: In-situ extraction and purification of water on the moon – the LUWEX project, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-87,, 2024.
Imhof, B., Lipińska, M. B., Waclavicek, R., Retat, I., Zabel, P., Blum, J. , Boscheri, G., Leluk, K., Kiewiet, L., Heitkamp, M., Wache, H., Rejón López, M., Kreuzig, C., Meier, G., Brecher, J. N., Bürger, J., Perelli, R., Marchitelli, G., Maidad, F., Filid, T., Jurga, A., Klimonda, A., Szerzyna, S., Cichoń, A., Kowalewski, J., Podgórski, M., Zieba, M., Wojciechowicz; A., Szwagierczak, J., Krawczuk, S., Orzechowski, J., Hornung, W., Krzaczkowski, P., Sidorowicz, M.: LUWEX: Validation of Lunar Water Extraction and Purification Technologies for In-Situ Propellant and Consumables Production. 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milan, Italy.
Brecher, J. N. and Ohr, P. and Mueller-Brandes, A. and Klingenstein, L. and Fox, L. and Wickboldt, H. and Sommerfeldt, J. and Plörer, P. and Lunding, A. and Koehne, A. and Thakur, A. R.: Investigation of the Gravitational Influence on the Impregnability of Fiber-Thermoplastics. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan.
L. Klingenstein, J. N. Brecher, L. Fox, P. Ohr, P. Plörer, A. Lunding, A. Mueller-Brandes,
H. Wickboldt, A. Koehne, J. Sommerfeldt, and A. R. Thakur.: Manufacturing fiber-
reinforced composites in microgravity. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC),
Baku, Azerbaijan.
Brecher, N., Kreuzig, C., Blum, J.: Structural changes of illuminated water ice samples, Active small bodies in the Solar System over a wide range of heliocentric distances workshop 2023, Stará Lesná, Slovakia.
Brecher, N., Kreuzig, C., Blum, J.: Production and physical properties of dust-ice-pebbles, Rosetta Dust Workshop 2023, Paris, France.
Brecher, N., Kreuzig, C., Gundlach, B., and Blum, J.: The Production of Dust-Ice-Pebbles, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-526,, 2022.
J. N. Brecher, E. Zereik, M. Bibuli, M. Loth, and T. Glotzbach.: Cooperative distributed
navigation, guidance, and control systems for autonomous surface vehicles with different
physical connections. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(16):208–215, 2021. 13th IFAC Conference
on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles CAMS 2021,
Kreuzig, C. and Brecher, J.N. and Meier, G. and Schuckart, C. and Molinski, N.S. and Pfeifer, J. and Markkanen, J. and Knoop, C. and Timpe, M. and Goldmann, M. and Knollenberg, J. and Gundlach, B. and Blum, J.: Illuminated granular water ice shows 'dust' emission. A way to understand comet activity. Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Kreuzig, C. and Bischoff, D. and Meier, G. and Kargl, G. and Brecher, J.N. and Goldmann, M. and Knoop, C. and Ottersberg, R. and Pommerol, A. and Kovalev, A. and Gorb, S.N. and Gundlach, B. and Blum, J.: The strength of outgassed porous dust aggregates. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 688 (2024) A177.
Kreuzig, C. and Bischoff, D. and Molinski, N.S. and Brecher, J.N. and Kovalev, A. and Meier, G. and Oesert, J. and Gorb, S. N. and Gundlach, B. and Blum, J.: Micrometre-sized ice particles for planetary science experiments – CoPhyLab cryogenic granular sample production and storage. RAS Techniques and Instruments, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 686–694.