- Interpreting core forms of urban morphology linked to urban functions with explainable graph neural network. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 118, 2025, 102267 mehr…
- A Robust Geographically Optimal Zones-based heterogeneity model for analyzing the spatial determinants of national traffic accidents. GIScience & Remote Sensing 62 (1), 2025 mehr…
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- Yesterday, today and tomorrow of autonomous navigation maps. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica (51(6)), 2022, 1029-1039 mehr…
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- Spatial knowledge acquisition with virtual semantic landmarks in mixed reality-based indoor navigation. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2021, 1-15 mehr…
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- The reading strategies of a map-based dashboard – acquisition and assessment. Abstracts of the ICA 3, 2021, 1-2 mehr…
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- Comparing pedestrians’ gaze behavior in desktop and in real environments. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 47 (5), 2020, 432-451 mehr…
- Object detection in optical remote sensing images: A survey and a new benchmark. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 159, 2020, 296-307 mehr…
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- A Feasibility Study of Map-Based Dashboard for Spatiotemporal Knowledge Acquisition and Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (11), 2020, 636 mehr…
- Projecting emotions from artworks to maps using neural style transfer. Proceedings of the ICA 2, 2019, 1-8 mehr…
- Reasoning about socio-economic data: a visual analytics approach to Bayesian network. International Journal of Cartography, 2019, 1-17 mehr…
- Urban Open Geodata Integration using Virtual Knowledge Graphs. In Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference SSPCR Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, 2019 mehr…
- Consistency assessment for open geodata integration: an ontology-based approach. GeoInformatica, 2019 mehr…
- The analysis of catchment areas of metro stations using trajectory data generated by dockless shared bikes. Sustainable Cities and Society 49, 2019, 101598 mehr…
- Using fMRI to Explore the Influence of Road Network Patterns on Geospatial Cognition. Proceedings of the ICA 2, 2019, 1-6 mehr…
- Räumliches Data-Mining und Big Geospatial Data. Band Springer Reference Naturwissenschaften book series (SRN). Springer Verlag GmbH, 2019 mehr…
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- Multi-modal deep learning for landform recognition. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 158 (158), 2019, 63-75 mehr…
- Usability Test of Map-based Interactive Dashboards Using Eye Movement Data. The 15th International Conference on Location Based Services, Vienna University of Technology, 2019 mehr…
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- A Generic Method to Organize Boundaries of Complex Polygons for Embedded Devices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (11:238), 2018 mehr…
- Measuring the influence of map label density on perceived complexity: a user study using eye tracking. Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2018 mehr…
- Geo-Tagged Social Media Data-Based Analytical Approach for Perceiving Impacts of Social Events. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (1), 2018, 15 mehr…
- Using Eye Tracking to Evaluate the Usability of Flow Maps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (7(7):281), 2018 mehr…
- Assessing Map-Reading Skills Using Eye Tracking and Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling. Sustainability 10 (9), 2018, 3050 mehr…
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- Using Eye Tracking to Explore Differences in Map-Based Spatial Ability between Geographers and Non-Geographers. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7 (9), 2018, 337 mehr…
- How maps serve a smart city. Festanschrift für Prof. Wolfgang Reinhardt zum 65. Geburtstag (Heft 95), 2018, 111-120 mehr…
- Four Persistent Research Questions in Cartography. Journal of the Croatian Cartographic Society (Vol. 17, No. 29), 2018, 4-18 mehr…
- Towards Seamless Validation of Land Cover Data. Proceedings, 2017 mehr…
- Visual Analysis of Floating Car Data. In: Geospatial Data Science Techniques and Applications. CRC Press, 2017 mehr…
- Visual exploration of spatial trajectories using parallel coordinates and map views. In Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2017 mehr…
- Using Eye Tracking to Explore the Guidance and Constancy of Visual Variables in 3D Visualization. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. (6), 2017, 274 mehr…
- The Impact of Large Urban Structural Elements on Traffic Flow - A Case Study of Danwei and Xiaoqu in Shanghai. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W7, 2017, 1275--1282 mehr…
- From multiple geodata sources to diverse maps. In: Lin H and Shi X (eds):. Frontiers in Geoinformations (Chapter 11), 2017, 191-218 mehr…
- The Constancy and Volatility in Cartography. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sincia (46 (10)), 2017, 1637-1644 mehr…
- A review of research works on VGI understanding and image map design. KN Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information (1), 2017, 17-22 mehr…
- Cartographic Enrichment of 3D City Models—State of the Art and Research Perspectives. In: Advances in 3D Geoinformation. Springer International Publishing (1. Aufl.), 2017 mehr…
- Feature Learning from Massive Spatial Trajectories: A Case Study of Map Matching. In Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2017 mehr…
- VISUAL TOOLS FOR CROWDSOURCING DATA VALIDATION WITHIN THE GLOBELAND30 GEOPORTAL. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLI-B8, 2016, 1301-1304 mehr…
- Visual exploration of multivariate movement events in space-time cube. The 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2016, mehr…
- VGI collection, assessment and visual analytics. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Geoinformatics, 2016 mehr…
- Cartography and its connecting role. 6th International Conference on Cartography & GIS, 20166th International Conference on Cartography & GIS mehr…
- Automatic and Accurate Conflation of Different Road-Network Vector Data towards Multi-Modal Navigation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (5), 2016, 68 mehr…
- Visual Analytics for Understanding Traffic Flows of Transportation Hub from Movement Data. Proceedings of the 27th International Cartographic Conference, 2015, 23-28 mehr…
- Understanding Taxi Driving Behaviors from Movement Data. In: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer Science + Business Media, 2015 mehr…
- Spatio-Temporal Density Mapping for Spatially Extended Dynamic Phenomena - a Novel Approach to Incorporate Movements in Density Maps. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems (Vol. 8 No. 1 & 2), 2015, 27-39 mehr…
- Cartographic Enrichment of 3D City Models - State of the Art and Research Perspectives. Joint International Geoinformation Conference 2015, 2015 mehr…
- A General Framework For Event Detection From Social Media. In: Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis. Springer International Publishing, 2015 mehr…
- OpenEventMap: A Volunteered Location-Based Service. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 50 (4), 2015, 248-258 mehr…
- ProZeit - A Novel Workflow of Optimizing the Geometric Design of Railway Alignment for Travel Time Saving. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 2015 mehr…
- Mobility and Visuality of the Digital World. Photogrammetric Week’ 15, 2015 mehr…
- A comparative study of thematic mapping and scientific visualization. Annals of GIS 20 (1), 2014, 23-37 mehr…
- A Computational Method for Indoor Landmark Extraction. In: Progress in Location-Based Services (LNGC). Springer, 2014, 45-59 mehr…
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- Visual Analysis of Lightning Data Using Space-Time-Cube. In: Cartography from Pole to Pole. Springer, 2014, 165-176 mehr…
- Spatio Temporal Density Mapping of a Dynamic Phenomenon. GEOProcessing 2014, 2014, 83-88 mehr…
- A General Framewortk for Event Detection from Social Media. The Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, 20146-8th October 2014, Toronto, Canada mehr…
- Feature Selection in Conditional Random Fields for Map Matching of GPS Trajectories. In: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Progress in Location-Based-Serivces. Springer, 2014, 121-135 mehr…
- Feature Engineering for Low-Sampling-Rate GPS Trajectories in Road. ECML/PKDD14 Workshop on Machine Learning for Uran Sensor Data (SenseML), 2014 mehr…
- Georeferencing: A review of methods and applications. Annals of GIS (Vol.20(1)), 2014, 61-69 mehr…
- First conclusion of the new international Master of Science in Cartography. 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) , 2013 mehr…
- Visual Analysis of 4-D Building Deformation Data. 26th International Cartographic Conference , 2013 mehr…
- Comparison of Point Matching Techniques for Road Network Matching. 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, 2013, 87-92 mehr…
- Cartography and maps beyond disciplines. Kartographische Nachrichten, Sonderheft Juni 2013, 2013 mehr…
- Visual Analysis for Nowcasting of Multidimensional Lightning Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (2 (3)), 2013, 817-836 mehr…
- Visuall Analytics approach for Lightning data analysis and cell nowcasting. Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 15, 2013 mehr…
- Mining Event-Related Knowledge from OpenStreetMap. In: Progress in Location Based Services. Springer, 2013 mehr…
- Mining Spatio-temporal Change-patterns from VGI History. HafenCity University, 2013 mehr…
- ProZeit: Programm zur Fahrzeitoptimierung von Eisenbahn-Infrastruktur. Lehrstuhl für Kartographie, Lehrstuhl für Verkehrswegebau, TU München, 2013, mehr…
- Kulturelle Unterschiede bei Kartenzeichen. Kartographische Nachrichten (3/2012), 2012, 140-144 mehr…
- Derivation and visual exploration of 4-D building deformation from high-resolution SAR. Symposium on Sercive-Oriented Mapping 2012, Jobstmedia Management Verlag, 2012, 359-368 mehr…
- A three-step approach of simplifying 3D buildings modelled by City GML. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2012, 1091-1107 mehr…
- Earth Observation of Global Changes (EOGC). In: Springer’s Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNGC). Springer, 2012 mehr…
- Getting in and out of a taxi: spatiotemporal hotspot analysis for floating taxi data. 6th Interational Symposium Networks of Mobility, 2012 mehr…
- Historical evaluation of OSM data. MOVE- COST Workshop on Analysis and Visualisation of Movement data, 2012 mehr…
- Location based Event Detection from Open Street Map Data; A Case Study in Germany and China. Geoinformatics 2012, 2012 mehr…
- The Note on Event for Event Detection from Volunteered Geographic Infromation (VGI). GIScience 2012, 2012 mehr…
- Enrichment of topographic road database for the purpose of routing and navigation. International Journal of Digital Earth 7 (5), 2012, 411-431 mehr…
- Visualisierung und Kommunikation in der Kartographie als Bausteine in der Entwicklung neuer Daten – Analyse-Methoden – Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie. Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2011, mehr…
- About the International Master’s Program in Cartography. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (21), 2011, 29-32 mehr…
- Kartographie für Jedermann und Jedermann für Kartographie - Warum und Wie? Cartography for Everyone and Everyone for Cartography - Why and How? Kartographische Nachrichten 5, 2011, 246-253 mehr…
- New International Master Program in Cartography. Earth Observation of Global Changes (EOGC), 2011 mehr…
- Railway Alignment Optimization for Specified Travel Timesaving. 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, 2011, 189 - 191 mehr…
- Conflation of Road Network and Geo-referenced Image Using Sparse Matching. Proceedngs of the 19th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2011, 281 - 288 mehr…
- Enhanced TEC Maps Based on Different-Space-Geodetic Observations. Proceedings of EOGC 2011, 2011 mehr…
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- A road-network matching approach guided by ´structure´. Annals of GIS, 2010, 165 - 176 mehr…
- Lectures Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, 2010 mehr…
- A generic approach of simplifying building ground plans. 13th Workshop of the ICA Commission on Generalization and Multiple Representation, 2010 mehr…
- Applying Traditional Speed-up Techniques into Switch-Point-based Mulitmodal shortest Paths Algorithms. 6th international conferences on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), 2010 mehr…
- City Model Generalization Similarity Measrement using Nested Structure of Earth Movers's Distance. Proceedinggs of the13th Workshop of the ICA Commission of Generalzation and Multiple Representation, 2010 mehr…
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- Development of an International Master Program in Cartography - Aufbau eines internationalen Masterstudiengangs in Cartography. Kartographische Nachrichten (4), 2010, 200-204 mehr…
- Real Time Application for Traffic State Estimation Based on Large Sets of Floating Car Data. Proceedings of Mobil.TUM 2009 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, 2009 mehr…
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- Selective Omission of Road Features Based on Mesh Density for Automatic Map Generalization. International Journal of Geographic Information (38), 2009, 1013-1032 mehr…
- A mathematical model for event detection in spatiotemporal city environment. ISPRS workshop on Quality,Scale and Analysis Aspects of Urban City models, 2009 mehr…
- Automatic derivation of different levels of detail for 3D buildings modeled by CityGML. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2009 mehr…
- Generalization of 3D Buildings Modelled by CityGML. In: Advances in GIScience; Lectures Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, 2009 mehr…
- A User Perspective on Typification of Facade Features of 3D Building Models. International Cartography Conference, 2009 mehr…
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- The Level of Abstraction, Information Density and Storage Capacity for 3D City Model Visualizations. GeoViz 2009 - Contribution of Geovisualization to the concept of the Digital City, 2009 mehr…
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- A Case Study of Education Reform in Earth Oberservation Technology and Applications. Proceedings on the 2nd International Conference Earth Observation for Global Changes EOGC, 2009 mehr…
- Algorithms of Multi-Modal Route Planning Based on the Concept of Switch Point. Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG) 5, 2009, 431–444 mehr…
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- Investigation of Driver Reaction on Different Types of Traffic Information Visualization. Proceedings of 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport System, 2009 mehr…
- Development of an International Master Program in Cartography and Geoinformatics. Proceedings on the 24nd International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2009 mehr…
- A fast linear feature conflation algorithm for multi-model navigation database. 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport System, 2009 mehr…
- A Grid-Based Spatial Index for Matching between Moving Vehicles and Road-Network in a Real-time Environment. Proceedings on the 24nd International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2009 mehr…
- Ethical concerns of online geoinformation services. 24th International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2009 mehr…
- A concept for integrating time-dependent features in 3D building models. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Geoinformation Sciences, 2008, 45 - 50 mehr…
- Non-photorealistic Rendering on Mobile Devices and its Usability Concerns. CD-Proceedings Virtual Geographic Enviroments - An international Conference on Development on Visualization and Virtual Enviroments in Geographic Information Science, 2008 mehr…
- Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. In: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, 2008 mehr…
- Analysis of events in 3D building models. Proceedings of SPIE; Proceedings of SPIE: Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: Geo-Simulation and Virtual GIS Environments, 2008 mehr…
- Algorithmic Concerns of Multi-Modal Route Planing. 5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, 2008 mehr…
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- Kartographie im Umfeld moderner Informations- und Medientechnologien. Kartographische Nachrichten (1), 2008, 3 - 10 mehr…
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- To see and see through graphics - Toward affordance-driven geovisualisation. CD-Proceedings Virtual Geographic Environments - An international Conference on Development in Visualization and Virtual Environments in Geographic Information Science, 2008 mehr…
- Map-based Mobile Services: Design, Interaction and Usability. In: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, 2008 mehr…
- Congestion Visualization Based on Probe Vehicle Data. In: Location Based Services and TeleCartography II - From Sensor Fusion to Context Models; Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Kartography. Springer, 2008, 47-61 mehr…
- Performance of Probe Vehicle for Travel Time estimation: A Simulation Approach. ITS World Congress 2008, 2008 mehr…
- An automatic approach to integrate routing-relevant information from different resources. 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS), 2008 mehr…
- Delimited Stroke Oriented Algorithm - Working principle and implementation for the matching of road networks. Journal of Geographic Information Sciences (14(1)), 2008, 44-53 mehr…
- Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, 2007 mehr…
- Automatic extraction and database integration of textures of 3D building models acquired from infrared image sequences. In: Photogrammetrie- Fernerkundung-Geoinformation. E Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2007 mehr…
- Visualization of Building Models and Factual Data integrated by CityGML. ICC07 - International Cartography Conference 2007, 2007 mehr…
- Strategies for texturing Building Models with low Resolution infrared Image Sequences. MMT '07 -Mobile Mapping Technology, 2007 mehr…
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- Network simplification based on the algorithm of polarization transformation. XXIII International Cartographic Conference (ICC), 2007Cartographic Generalization and Multiple Representation mehr…
- Polarization transformation as an algorithm for automatic generalization and quality assessment. Geoinformatics 2007: Cartographic Theory and Models, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 2007 mehr…
- Establishing a neurocognition-based taxonomy of graphical variables for attention-guiding geovisualisation. Geoinformatics 2007: Cartographic Theory and Models, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 2007 mehr…
- A structure-oriented matching approach for the integration of different road networks. XXIII International Cartographic Conference (ICC)XXIII International Cartographic Conference (ICC), Incremental Updating and Versioning of Spatial Data, 2007 mehr…
- An iterative road-matching approach for the integration of postal data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 31 (5), 2007, 597-615 mehr…
- Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, 2006 mehr…
- Query Efficiency of Polygon Objects Based On the Tile Granularity of Quad-Tree. Mapping and Image Science, 2006, 63-67 mehr…
- Some theoretical concerns along with the development of cartographic technologies. Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping 23 (2), 2006, 89-96 mehr…
- Mobile Geovisualisierungsdienste und ihre Gebrauchstauglichkeit. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik 263, 2006, 249-260 mehr…
- Grundlagen und Leistung moderner GIS – Kapitel 1. In: Tagungsband Kolloquium Geographische Informationssysteme. Verbund Ingenieur Qualifizierung gemeinnützige GmbH, 2006 mehr…
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- The generalization of point clusters and its quality assessment based on a polarization approach. Mapping and Image Science, 2006, 55-62 mehr…
- A matching approach focused on parallel roads and looping crosses in digital maps. International Symposium of Theoretical Cartography and Geo-Information Science, 2006 mehr…
- Implementation of a generic road-matching approach for the integration of postal data. Proceedings of the 1st ICA Workshop on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling, 20061st ICA Workshop on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling, 141-154 mehr…
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- A generic matching algorithm for line networks of different resolutions. Workshop of ICA Commission on Generalization and Multiple Representation, 2005 mehr…
- Egocentric Design of Map-Based Mobile Services. The Cartographic Journal; Maney Publishing on behalf of the British Cartogrpahic Society 42 (1), 2005, 5-13 mehr…
- Changing "faces" of cartographers and their maps (Abstract). Kartdagar, 2004 mehr…
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- Methoden zur Gestaltung egozentrischer Karten. Kartographische Schriften, Kirschbaum Verlag, 2004Der X-Faktor - Mehrwert für Geodaten und Karten, 113-119 mehr…
- Rahmenbedingungen beim Einsatz von Methoden und Techniken der Geovisualisierung. Kartographische Nachrichten 7, 2003, 3-12 mehr…
- Missing Theories and Methods in Digital Cartography (English). CD-Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference Durban 2003, 2003The 21st International Cartographic Conference Durban 2003 mehr…
- Geodienste, Location Based Services und Geovisualisierungsdienste. Tagungsband, 20038. Münchener Fortbildungsseminar Geoinformationssysteme, 1-12 mehr…
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