P10: Curation of data for interactive visualization of the coupled dynamic Earth models

Project leader
Eugenio D‘Ascoli
Prof. Dieter Kranzlmüller, Dr. Markus Wiedemann
Advisors (int.)
Dr. Thomas Odaker (LRZ)
Advisors (ext.)
Prof. Dr. Hank Childs (Univ. Oregon), Prof. Dr. Christopher Johnson (Univ. Utah)
Visualizing the resulting models of the RTG projects requires sophisticated visualization methods for providing a broad understanding within the RTG and for the general public. This project shall research these visualization methods for the various models within the RTG, e.g. visualizations for the various force and motion fields, for dynamic topography, for seismic activity, wavefield propagation and/or for uncertainty quantification.
A grand challenge for visualizing simulation data is interactivity due to the size of the resulting datasets and limited hardware resources. This project shall provide methodical approaches that allow balancing interactivity of visualization applications with level of details of the datasets.
Additionally, in order to provide easy and intuitive access, this project aims at using state of the art virtual reality technology, such as the CAVE installation of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.
Simulating Earth’s mantle convection on planetary scales at high resolution is a fundamental challenge even for current high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Only codes with a high degree of parallelism and scalability will be able to perform realistic, high-resolution simulations. UPLIFT project P10 aims to further develop the TerraNeo code and facilitates data visualization utilizing state of the art technology.
Main objectives
- Design of an interactive workspace for visualization of simulation data
- Development of methods for balancing interactivity with large-scale datasets
- Visualization of modelling results for desktop and virtual reality visualization environments
RTG coupling
- Results from P1, P2, P5, P6, P7 and Post-Doc
- Visualization of results and feedback to all doctoral projects P1 – P9 and Post-Doc
- CAVE visualizations
- Outreach activities
Preliminary results
Novel mantle convection simulation code TerraNeo illustrating the temperature- and velocity field at high resolution of ~ 25 km at four different ages: 150, 100, 50 Ma and at present day (0 Ma). The simulation runs contained more than 108 degrees of freedom and were conducted on the HAWK super-computer at HLRS, parallelized on 15,360 cores.
D'Ascoli, E., Brown, H., Kohl, N., Mohr, M., and Bunge, H.-P.: TerraNeo: Ongoing development of a scalable mantle convection code for exascale computing , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4326, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4326, 2023.
D'Ascoli, E., Burkhart, A., Kohl, N., Bunge, H.-P., and Mohr, M.: TerraNeo: Development of a scalable mantle convection code for exascale computing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6508, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6508, 2024