IP5: Improved Stochastic Modeling in GRACE/GRACE-FO Real Data Processing 2 (ISTORE-2)
PIs: Roland Pail (TUM), Frank Flechtner (TUB)
Short description
In continuation of the first phase, IP5 will work towards the completion of the optimized stochastic modeling for GRACE and GRACE-FO gravity field adjustment. This includes three main tasks: (1) the extension of the stochastic instrument error models of the first phase including analyses of accelerometer data for longer time periods and of other key GRACE and GRACE-FO instrument data like GNSS, ranges and range accelerations; (2) the optimization of the combination of the different observations, where also the accelerometer data should be treated as observations in order to take into account the respective stochastic models in a more direct way; (3) the inclusion of tidal and temporally changing non-tidal background model error variance-covariance matrices in the adjustment process.
Research Objectives
- Complete stochastic error characteristics (all data types and complete mission period)
- Utilize optimal instrument data processing
- Complete treatment of BM errors (modeling of non-tidal TV correlations)
- Develop the baseline strategy for reprocessing GRACE/-FO (to be implemented in SDS)
- Stochastic models for the complete GRACE/-FO observation system
- Gravity models based on accelerometer data as observations
- Inclusion of time-variable background model error variance-covariance matrices for stochastic modeling