Participating institutions and project leaders
Dr. Denise Dettmering (responsible for IP1-Phase 1 & IP1-Phase 2)
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut der TU München
E-Mail: denise.dettmering(at)tum.de
She is research associate at DGFI-TUM since 2007. Currently, she is head of DGFI-TUM’s research area “Satellite Altimetry”. She is an expert for multi-mission satellite radar altimetry for different oceanographic, hydrologic, and geodetic applications and works on empirical ocean tide modelling, altimetry-derived water level variations of lakes and rivers, and marine gravity field determination.
Dr. Henryk Dobslaw (GFZ, responsible for IP2-Phase 1 & IP2-Phase 2)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
E-Mail: dobslaw(at)gfz-potsdam.de
He is research scientist at Department 1 GFZ “Geodesy” of GFZ in Potsdam. He has been involved in the processing of the GRACE AOD1B product since release 03 introduced in the year 2004, and is the PI of the latest AOD1B releases 06 and 07. He has co-authored several papers on satellite gravity field analysis for oceanographic, cryospheric, and climate applications, and has coordinated the last update of the ESA Earth System Model for future satellite gravity mission studies.
Prof. Annette Eicker (HCU, responsible for IP6-Phase 2)
She is full professor for Geodesy and Adjustment Theory at HafenCity University in Hamburg and also the President of the Intercommission Committee “Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC)” within the International Association of Geodesy (IAG).
Prof. Frank Flechtner (speaker of RU, responsible for IP4-Phase 1 & IP5-Phase 2)
Technical University of Berlin
E-Mail: frank.flechtner(at)gfz-potsdam.de
He was the GRACE Co-PI and is responsible project manager for the implementation and now operation of the German GRACE-FO mission elements, including the joint US-German Science Data System. He is the chair of sub-commission 2.3 “Future Gravity Satellite Missions” of the IAG, S-Professor for Physical Geodesy at the Technical University of Berlin and in parallel head of GFZ’s Section “Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field”. In this constellation it is guaranteed that the position enrolled at TUB can be directly involved in the analysis of real GRACE and GRACE-FO data by using software packages such as the Earth Parameter and Orbit System (EPOS-OC) maintained at GFZ.
Dr. Petra Friederichs (responsible for IP3-Phase 1 & IP3-Phase 2)
E-Mail: pfried(at)uni-bonn.de
She is permanent research scientist at the Meteorological Institute of the University Bonn. Her research involves extremes in complex systems, particularly mesoscale weather extremes in space and time. Her expertise is in spatial statistical modelling, probabilistic downscaling and ensemble postprocessing. She is part of the HErZ group that developed the regional reanalyses COSMO-REA6.
Dr. Thomas Gruber (TUM, responsible for IP4-Phase 2)
Technical University of Munich
He is academic director at the chair of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy at Technical University of Munich. He is co-chair of the GGOS Bureau for Standards and Products. His research fields are global gravity modelling and validation, design of future gravity field missions and physical height systems.
Prof. Andreas Hense (responsible for IP3-Phase 1)
E-Mail: ahense(at)uni-bonn.de
He is full professor of the Meteorological Institute of the University Bonn. His previous work included regional atmospheric modelling and model development, data assimilation, atmospheric reanalysis, and atmospheric excitation of Earth rotation. In addition, he has worked towards uncertainty assessment in atmospheric models, ensemble approaches, ensemble data assimilation, and ensemble post-processing. Furthermore, experience with using COSMO-EU and –REA6 for dealiasing studies has been built up, jointly with the UBN-IGG group.
Ass. Prof. Anna Klos (Mercator Fellow in IP3-Phase 1)
Military University of Technology, Warsaw
E-Mail: anna.klos(at)wat.edu.pl
She is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Military University of Technology, Warsaw since 2016. She adds expertise in GNSS and DORIS analysis, time seris and process noise modelling, and environmental loading assessment to the RU.
Prof. Jürgen Kusche (responsible for IP3-Phase 1 & IP3-Phase 2)
E-Mail: kusche(at)uni-bonn.de
He has been the chair of sub-commission 2.6 “Gravity and Mass Transport in the Earth System” of the IAG. He has been head of GFZ’s Section “Gravity Field and Gravimetry” till 2009 and is now Professor at the University of Bonn, Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG). He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Geodesy. He is currently the speaker of the DFG RU 2630 (GlobalCDA) which focuses on assimilating GRACE data into models of the global freshwater system, and he is one of the founding directors of the joint University Bonn - University Cologne - FZ Jülich Center for Earth Observation and Computational Analysis (https://cesoc.net).has
Dr. Rolf König (responsible for IP5-Phase 1)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
E-Mail: rolf.koenig(at)gfz-potsdam.de
Before his retirement end of 2021, he was Head of GFZ Section 1.2 Working Group “Earth System Parameters and Orbit Dynamics” and in this field an expert for precise orbit determination, parameter estimation and adjustment theory.
Prof. Roland Pail (responsible for IP4-Phase 1 and IP6-Phase 1 & IP5-Phase 2 and IP6-Phase 2)
Technical University of Munich
E-Mail: roland.pail(at)tum.de
He is W3 professor of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy at Technical University of Munich, and currently Vice-Dean of the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy. He was president of the IAG Commission 2 “Gravity Field” in the IAG period 2015-19, and Chair of the GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System) Standing Committee on Satellite Missions. His research fields are global and regional gravity field modelling, satellite geodesy, and related applications in mass transport process modelling.
Dr. Natalia Panafidina (GFZ, responsible for IP4-Phase 2)
She is research scientist at Department 1 “Geodesy” of GFZ in Oberpfaffenhofen. She worked as a postdoc in the first phase of the RU and has now in phase 2 a double role as PI and postdoc via an individual first-time proposal for her own position.
Prof. Michael Schindelegger (responsible for IP3-Phase 1 & IP2-Phase 2)
E-Mail: schindelegger(at)igg.uni-bonn.de
He is professor for Geodetic Earth System Research at the University of Bonn, Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG). He has published on several ocean-related topics, including numerical modelling of tides, their secular variations, and OBP changes. He has recently acquired funds from DFG to constrain a general circulation model to higher-frequency GRACE solution with adjoint-based methods in the context of modelling Earth rotation variations.
Prof. Maik Thomas (responsible for IP1-Phase 1 & IP1-Phase 2)
E-Mail: mthomas(at)gfz-potsdam.de
He is W3-Professor for Modelling of fluid dynamics in the Earth's system at the Freie Universität Berlin and head of GFZ’s Section 1.3 “Earth System Modelling”. He is chair of the GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System) Committee on “Contributions to Earth System Modelling” and has led sub-commission 3.3 “Earth Rotation and Geophysical Fluids” of the International Association of Geodesy.