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Daras, I; March, G; Pail, R; Hughes, C W; Braitenberg, C; Güntner, A; Eicker, A; Wouters, B; Heller-Kaikov, B; Pivetta, T; Pastorutti, A: Mass-change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC) expected impact on science and applications. Geophysical Journal International 236 (3), 2023, 1288-1308 mehr…BibTeX
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Heller-Kaikov, Betty; Pail, Roland; Daras, Ilias: Mission design aspects for the mass change and geoscience international constellation (MAGIC). Geophysical Journal International 235 (1), 2023, 718-735 mehr…BibTeX
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Heller-Kaikov, Betty; Pail, Roland; Werner, Martin: Signal Separation in Global, Temporal Gravity Data. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery, ACM, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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SucheHinweis: Die „Schnellsuche“ findet nur Text in den angezeigten
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Heller-Kaikov, B., Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Signal separation in global, temporal gravity data. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B., Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Signal separation in global, temporal gravity data. Oberseminar "Data Science", Department of Mathematics, TUM, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B.; Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Signal separation in global, temporal gravity data using a multi-channel U-Net. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B.; Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Separation of temporal gravity signals using standard statistical and neural network methods. Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2024 Symposium - GGHS2024, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Eicker, A.; Güntner, A.; Dobslaw, H.; Jensen, L.; Flechtner, F.; Wilms, J.; Hauk, M.; Pail, R.; Abrykosov, P.; Heller-Kaikov, B.: Assessing the potential of the MAGIC mission for hydrology and climate applications. MAGIC Science and Applications Workshop 2023, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
Güntner, A.; Eicker, A.; Flechtner, F.; Abrykosov, P.; Heller, B.; Haas, J.; Strohmenger, C.; Pail, R.: Requirements and performance of the MAGIC mission with respect to fast-track products and hydrological extremes. MAGIC Science and Applications Workshop 2023, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B., Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Signal Separation in Global, Temporal Gravity Data. 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery (GeoAI ’23), 202313.11.2023 - 16.11.2023mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B.; Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Gravity signal separation using a neural network. 28th IUGG General Assembly, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B.; Pail, R.; Werner, M.: Separation of signal components in global gravity models. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
Chen, Y.; Heller-Kaikov, B.; Pail, R.: The Uplift Project: Geophysical Modeling of Vertical Motion Processes Constrained by Geodetic and Geological Observations. Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2022 Symposium - GGHS2022, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Heller, B.; Abrykosov, P.; Pail, R.: Simulations of low-low satellite-to-satellite tracking constellations for the ESA/NASA MAGIC satellite gravity mission. ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Heller-Kaikov, B.; Pail, R.; Abrykosov, P.: Closed-loop Simulations for the Magic Satellite Gravity Mission. Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2022 Symposium - GGHS2022, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Pail, R.; Flechtner, F.; Bruinsma, S.; Visser, P.; Güntner, A.; Abrykosov, P.; Heller, B.: Scientific simulation studies for a Mass change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC). ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Pail, R.; Flechtner, F.; Bruinsma, S.; Visser, P.; Güntner, A.; Abrykosov, P.; Heller-Kaikov, B.: Final Results of Scientific Simulation Studies for a Mass Change and Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC). Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2022 Symposium - GGHS2022, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Abrykosov, P.; Pail, R.; Heller, B.: Sensitivity analysis on inter-satellite distance. 2021 GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
Heller, B.; Abrykosov, P.; Pail, R.: Closed-Loop Gravity Simulations in the Framework of the Mass change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC) Mission Concept. 2021 GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
Heller, B.; Siegismund, F.; Pail, R.; Gruber, T.; Haagmans, R.: Time-variable Gravity Signals in Reprocessed GOCE Gradient Data. Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
Pail, R.; Flechtner, F.; Bruinsma, S.; Visser, P.; Güntner, A.; Abrykosov, P.; Heller, B.: Scientific simulation studies for a Mass change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC). 2021 GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
Heller, B.; Siesgismund, F.; Pail, R.; Gruber, Th.: Temporal gravity variations in GOCE release 6 gravitational gradients. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
SucheHinweis: Die „Schnellsuche“ findet nur Text in den angezeigten
Feldern; nicht in Abstracts oder Schlagwörtern. Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens
3 Buchstaben lang sein.
Publikationen zum Download
Betty Heller-Kaikov, Roland Pail, and Martin Werner. 2023. Signal Separation in Global, Temporal Gravity Data. In 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery (GeoAI ’23), November 13, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
Heller-Kaikov, Betty; Pail, Roland; Daras, Ilias: Mission design aspects for the mass change and geoscience international constellation (MAGIC). Geophysical Journal International 235 (1), 2023, 718-735