Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 289-16300
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 289-16354
- Munich Aerospace e.V. (geschäftsführender Vorstand)
- DGLR (Mitglied des Senats)
- ECATA (Aufsichtsratsmitglied)
- Fortiss – essei
- EHEST (European Helicopter Safety Team)
- AHS International
- Platzer, S., Hajek, M., Rauleder, J., Mortimer, P., Sirohi, J.: "Investigation of the Flow Fields of Coaxial Stacked and Counter-Rotating Rotors Using PIV Measurements and URANS Simulations,” Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum, Virtual, 2021.
- Hosseini, B., Barth, A., Hajek, M., Holzapfel, F.: "Helicopter Parameter Estimation Based on A Nonlinear Physiks-Based Model,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum, Virtual Event, USA, 2021.
- Platzer, S., Rauleder, J., Hajek, M., Mortimer, P., Jain, P., Sirohi, J.: "Experiments and Computations Towards an Improved Understanding and Modeling of the Dynamic Inflow of Rotors in Hover," Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, USA, 2020.
- Abdelmoula, A., Platzer, S., Hajek, M. and Rauleder, J.: "Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Dynamic Camber Variation on the Airfoil Characteristics of a Pitching Rotor Airfoil," AIAA Science and Technology Forum, Orlando, USA, January 2020.
- Strohrmann, K., André, N., Hajek, M.: Hybrid Natural Fiber Composites in a Helicopter Cabin Door – Mechanical Properties and Ecological Efficiency, Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2019. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Komp, D., Kumar, S., Abdelmoula, A., Hajek, M., Rauleder, J.: Investigation of Active Rotor Design and Control for Performance Improvement, Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2019. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Rinker, M., Ries, T., Embacher, M., Platzer, S., Uhl, G., Hajek, M.: Simulation of Rotor–Empennage Interactional Aerodynamics in Comparison to Experimental Data, Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2019. [mehr...] [BibTex]
- Strohrmann, K., Hajek, M..: An Eco-Efficient Helicopter Tailplane Hybridized from Flax, Balsa and Carbon, AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, USA, 2019. [mehr...] [BibTex]
- Strohrmann, K., Hajek, M.: Bilinear approach to tensile properties of flax composites in finite element analyses, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 54(2), 2018. [mehr...] [BibTex]
- Pflumm, T., Garre, W., Hajek, M.: A Preprocessor for Parametric Composite Rotor Blade Cross-Sections, 44th European Rotorcraft Forum, Delft, The Netherlands, 2018 [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Barth, A., Spieß, C., Kondak, K., Hajek, M.: Design, Analysis and Flight Testing of a High Altitude Synchropter UAV, American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, 2018. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Halbe, O., Hajek, M.: A Methodology towards Rotorcraft Piloting Autonomy for Approach on Moving Offshore Platforms, American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, 2018. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Süße, S., Hajek, M.: Rotor Blade Displacement and Load Estimation with Fiber-Optical Sensors for a Future Health and Usage Monitoring System, American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, 2018. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Strohrmann, K., Schmeer, S., Fortin, G., Hamada, H., and Hajek, M.: Crashworthiness Characteristics of Carbon-Flax Composite Tubes for Aerospace Applications, ECCM18 -18th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2018. [mehr...] [BibTex]
- Halbe, O., Spieß, C., Hajek, M.: Rotorcraft Guidance Laws and Flight Control Design for Automatic Tracking of Constrained Trajectories, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Kissimmee, FL, 2018. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Butter, U., Spieß, C., Hajek, M.: Control Laws with Direct Flight Path Control for Helicopters, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Kissimmee, FL, 2018. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Bludau, J., Rauleder, J., Hajek, M.: Validation of a Dynamic Inflow Model Based on a Flight Dynamics Model and a Lattice-Boltzmann Fluid Solver Using Flight Test Data, 43th European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Germany, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Feil, R., Rauleder, J., Hajek, M.: Vibratory Load Predictions of a High-Advance-Ratio Coaxial Rotor System Validated by Wind Tunnel Tests, 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Italy, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Strohrmann, K., Blaut, J., Panescu, C. , Endres, H.-J. , Svidler, R., Hajek, M.: Impact Damage Behavior and Non-Destructive Inspection Methods of Thin Hybrid Carbon-Flax Laminates, DLRK, Munich, Germany, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Strohrmann, K., Hamada, H., Hajek, M.: Crashworthiness of hybrid carbon and flax tubes for aerospace applications, 3rd Joint Turkey-Japan Workshop on Polymeric Composite Materials, Kyoto, Japan, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Suesse, S., Hajek, M.: Dynamic Rotor Blade Displacement Tracking with Fiber-Optical Sensors for a Health and Usage Monitoring System, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Wirth, D., Hajek, M.: Probabilistic Methodology for Multi-Fidelity Model-Based Robust Preliminary Design of Rotorcraft, American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, May 9-11, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Feil, R., Rinker, M., Hajek, M.: Flight Testing of a Coaxial Ultralight Rotorcraft, American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, May 9-11, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
Arnold, Uwe T.P., Garre W., Hajek M.: Exploring the Power Balance of Main Rotor Primary Control, American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, May 9-11, 2017. [mehr...] [BibTex]
- Viertler, F., Hajek, M.: Evaluation of Visual Augmentation Methods for Rotorcraft Pilots in Degraded Visual Environments, Journal of the American Helicopter Societ, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Bludau, J., Rauleder, J., Friedmann, L., Hajek, M.: Real-Time Simulation of Dynamic Inflow Using Rotorcraft Flight Dynamics Coupled With a Lattice-Boltzmann Based Fluid Simulation, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Grapevine, Texas, 2017. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Rinberg, R., Svidler, R., Klärner, M., Kroll, L., Strohrmann, K., Hajek, M., Endres, H.-J.: Anwendungspotenzial von naturbasierten hybriden Leichtbaustrukturen in der Luftfahrt, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Feil, R., Rauleder, J., Hajek, M.: Aerodynamic and Dynamic Interactions with Coaxial Rotor Systems, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Bludau, J., Rauleder, J., Friedmann, L., Hajek, M.: Real-Time Simulation of Rotor Inflow Using a Coupled Flight Dynamics and Fluid Dynamics Simulation, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Spieß, C., Radler, S., Barth, A., Hajek, M.: A Real-Time Capable Inflow Model for the Simulation of Interacting Multi-Rotor Configurations, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Garre, W., Amri, H., Pflumm, T., Paschinger, P., Marco, M., Hajek, M., Weigand M.: Helicopter Configurations and Drive Train Concepts For Optimal Variable Rotor-Speed Utilization, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Platzer, S., Rauleder, J., Hajek, M., Milluzzo, J.: Experimental and Computational Investigation on Rotor Blades with Spanwise Blowing, 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Garre, W., Pflumm, T., Hajek, M.: Enhanced efficiency and flight envelope by variable main rotor speed for different helicopter configurations, 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 2016.
- Suesse, S., Hajek, M.: Rotor Blade Shape Estimation with Fiber-Optical Sensors for a Health and Usage Monitoring System, 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
Feil, R., Rauleder, J., Hajek, M., Cameron, C. G., Sirohi, J.: Computational and Experimental Aeromechanics Analysis of a Coaxial Rotor System in Hover and Forward Flight, 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Platzer, S., Rauleder, J., and Hajek, M.: Investigation of Centrifugal Pumping Rotor Blades in Hover Using CFD, 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Washington D.C., USA, June 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Feil, R., Rauleder, J., and Hajek, M.: Aeromechanics Analysis of a Coaxial Rotor System in Hover and High-Advance-Ratio Forward Flight, 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Washington D.C., USA, June 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Amri H., Feil R., Hajek M., Weigand M., Possibilities and difficulties for rotorcraft using variable transmission drive trains, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Radler, S., Hajek, M.: Periodic Free Wake Simulation Using a Numerical Optimization Method, American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, May 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Viertler, F., Hajek, M.: Evaluation of Visual Augmentation Methods for Rotorcraft Pilots in Degraded Visual Environments, American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, May 2016. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Pflumm, T., Barth, A., Kondak, K., Hajek, M.: Auslegung und Konstruktion eines Hauptrotorblattes für ein in extremen Flughöhen operierendes Drehflügel-UAV, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Rostock, Germany, 2015. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Andersch, P., Hajek, M.: Lead-Lag Dynamics of a Rotor with Stick-Slip Nonlinearity, 41st European Rotorcraft Forum, Munich, Germany, 2015. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Viertler, F., Krammer, C., Hajek, M.: Analyzing Visual Clutter of 3D-Conformal HMD Solutions for Rotorcraft Pilots in Degraded Visual Environment, 41st European Rotorcraft Forum, Munich, Germany, 2015. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Hajek, M., Manner, S., Süße, S.: Blade Root Integrated Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors – A Highly Redundant Data Source For Future HUMS, American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virgina Beach, Virgina, USA, 2015.
- Viertler, F., Hajek, M.: Dynamic registration of an optical see-through HMD into a wide field-of-view rotorcraft flight simulation environment, SPIE DSS Conference, Head- and Helmet-Mounted Displays XX: Design and Applications, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2015. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Viertler, F., Hajek, M.: Requirements and Design Challenges in Rotorcraft Flight Simulations for Research Applications, AIAA SciTech - Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 2015. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Spieß, C., Kerler, M., Hajek, M.: Effects on Helicopter Dynamics in Case of Engine Failure During Intended Single Engine Operation, 40th European Rotorcraft Forum, Southampton, UK, 2014. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Barth, A. Feil, R., Kondak, K., Hajek, M.: Conceptual Study for an Autonomous Rotorcraft for Extreme Altitudes, 40th European Rotorcraft Forum, Southampton, UK, 2014. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Schicker, D., Hajek, M.: Influence of Periodically Varying Incident Velocity on the Application of Semi-Empirical Dynamic Stall Models, STAB-Symposium, Munich, 2014. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Hajek, M., Mindt, M.: 50 Years After The Bo46 First Flight–Would We Do Better Now?, American Helicopter Society 70th Annual Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2014. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Friedmann, L., Ohmer, P., Hajek, M.: Real-Time Simulation of Rotorcraft Downwash in Proximity of Complex Obstacles using Grid-Based Approaches, American Helicopter Society 70th Annual Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2014. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Amri, H., Feil, R., Hajek, M., Weigand, M.: Übersetzungsvariable Getriebe für Drehflügler, 63. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Augsburg, Germany, 2014. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
Oberinger, O., Hajek, M.: Analysis of complex rotor-airframe coupled instabilities by energy flow considerations, American Helicopter Society 69th Annual Forum, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2013. [mehr…] [BibTeX]
Spieß, C., Hajek, M.: A Modelica Library of Anisotropic Flexible Beam Structures for the Simulation of Composite Rotor Blades, Proceedings of the 9th International Modelica Conference, Munich, 2012, pages 417-424, DOI: 10.3384/ecp12076417 [mehr…] [BibTeX]
- Hajek, M., Levedag, S.: The Fly-by-Light Experimental Helicopter and its Fields of Application; 23rd International Helicopter Forum, Bückeburg; 2003
- Hajek, M.: Optimization in Helicopter Preliminary Design; Proceedings of the 3rd Air Force/NASA Symposium on Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, San Francisco, CA; 1990
- Hajek, M.: „Reibungsdämpfer für Turbinenlaufschaufeln“. VDI Fortschrittberichte 11.; 128; 1990
- Pfeiffer, F., Hajek, M.: Stick-slip motion of turbine blade dampers; Phil. Trans.R. Soc. 338: 503 – 517; 1992
- Hajek, M.: Numerische Behandlung mechanischer Systeme mit Trockenreibung; ZAMM Zeitschrift f. angew. Math. u. Mech. 69: 297-299; 1989