Project Work in Geoinformatics
This course aims to teach students the basics of the Python programming language and how to use python as a scripting tool in geospatial applications based on a project work. Both lectures and project presentations will be conducted in English. The curriculum of the course includes a python crash course, the basics of collaborative project work (project planning, use of git, etc.). The course content, description of the project work and announcements will be posted on the course moodle page. Students will be gathered in groups and these groups will be responsible for providing a presentation, a python-based application on github and a final report describing the project work. Students are advised to check the moodle webpage regularly.

Course Contents
- Introduction to Python and Git (and GitHub)
- Python Language Basics
- Python Scripting on ArcGIS, QGIS and others
- Briefing on Project Work & Planning & Collaboration
Note: Questions and Answers will be accepted during regular class hours after the start of the project work period.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the project work, students will have developed the following skills:
- Time-bound project planning
- Coding and documentation by based on collaborative culture
- Presentation and expression through group presentations
- Geospatial and network analysis using Python programming language and relevant libraries
- Improving the functionality of geospatial software by developing Python scripts
- Evaluating and using geospatial data on the basis of project work