Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie
- Briefanschrift: Postfach, 80290 München
- Paket-/Hausanschrift: Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München
- Telefon: ++49 (0)89 289-23195
- Telefax: ++49 (0)89 289-23178
- E-Mail: urs.hugentobler@tum.de
- Standort: Gebäude 6 (Theresianum), 2. und 3. Stock
- Sekretariat: Zimmer 3619
- Prof. Hugentobler: Zimmer 3618
How to find IAPG/FESG
From U2-subway station Theresienstraße:
- leave the subway station towards the left, following the indocator "Pinakotheken"
- follow the Theresienstraße towards East
- the black building at the first traffic light belongs to the TUM Campus
- enter the building below the first bridge (towards subway station). IAPG is indicated
- go to the top floor by elevator or stairs
- offices of Prof. Pail (3611) and Prof. Hugentobler (room 3618) can be found in the corridor.