Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Niklas Boers

Raum 02.9377.208
TUS2ESM Professur für Erdsystemmodellierung
85521 Ottobrunn, Lise-Meitner-Straße 9-11
E-Mail: n.boers(at)
Homepage:TUM Professoren - Boers_Niklas
Research interests
- Extreme events
- Critical transitions and abrupt climate change
- (Hybrid) Earth system modelling
- Dynamical system approaches to modelling Earth system dynamics
- Prediction of climate phenomena with neural networks
Publikationen 2023
Taylor Smith, Niklas Boers: Global vegetation resilience linked to water availability and variability, Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 498
Taylor Smith, Ruxandra-Maria Zotta, Chris. A Boulton, Timothy M. Lenton, Wouter Dorigo, Niklas Boers: Reliability of resilience estimation based on multi-instrument time series, ESD, 14, 173–183, 2023, Volume 14, issue 1