Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Langejahn

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Room: | 240 (Ottobrunn) |
E-mail: | marcus.langejahn(at)tum.de |
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Curriculum Vitae
- 02.2023 - present: Science Manager for ML4Earth
- 11.2021 - 04.2022: Coordinator DFG Research Unit FOR 5195 “Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies”
- 04.2013 - 08.2022: PhD Program and Teaching Assistant, University Würzburg, Chair of Astronomy
- 04.2013: Diploma Physics, University Würzburg
Research interests
Observational astrophysics: mainly hard X-ray properties of beamed Active Galactic Nuclei
(Science) Communication
Awards (and grants)
2021: Award for excellent media didactics, awarded by the Bavarian Virtual University
2019: DLR grant 50OR1607
2017: DLR grant 50OR1709
2013: DFG funding of PhD Thesis (Graduiertenkolleg 1147/1)
Key publications
- Langejahn M., Kadler M., Wilms J., et al., 2020, “Hard X‑ray properties of radio‑selected blazars”, A&A, Vol. 637, A55
- Beuchert T., Rodríguez‑Ardila A., Moss V.A., et al., 2018, “Extended X‑ray emission in PKS 1718‑649”, A&A, Vol. 612, L4
- Krauß F., Deoskar K., Baxter C., et al., 2018, “Fermi/LAT counterparts of IceCube neutrinos above 100 TeV”, A&A, Vol. 620, A174
- Ahnen M.L., Ansoldi S., Antonelli L.A., et al., 2017, “First multi‑wavelength campaign on the gamma‑ray‑loud active galaxy IC 310”, A&A, Vol. 603, A25
- Kadler M., Krauß F., Mannheim K., et al., 2016, “Coincidence of a high‑fluence blazar outburst with a PeV‑energy neutrino event”, Nature Physics, Vol. 12, 807
- Krauß F., Wilms J., Kadler M., et al., 2016, “The TANAMI Multiwavelength Program: Dynamic spectral energy distributions of southern blazars”, A&A, Vol. 591, A130
- ANTARES Collaboration, Adrián‑Martínez S., Albert A., et al., 2015, “ANTARES constrains a blazar origin of two IceCube PeV neutrino events”, A&A, Vol. 576, L8
- Krauß F., Kadler M., Mannheim K., et al., 2014, “TANAMI blazars in the IceCube PeV‑neutrino fields”, A&A, Vol. 566, L7