Teamwork in projects: The Project Seminar in the Field of Mechanical Engineering [EN]

During the project seminar, you work on a project for an academic chair. This gives you a comprehensive insight into the work of the chair. The project seminar can be chosen as an alternative to the industrial internship. You will also receive 12 ECTS for this.

Procedure of the project seminar

During the project seminar, you will take part in various events. The events are organised and held by both the corresponding chairs and the Centre for Key Competences.

Within the chairs supervision, you will receive guidance specifically tailored to the project topic and will be introduced to the operation of machines and programmes required for the project (hands-on tutorials). The project work is accompanied and guided by a chair supervisor. On the project's final day, you and your team will present your project and reflect on your learning experience with the other participants of the project seminar.

In the area of soft skills development, you will be supported by the ZSK with an eLearning resource on the topic of project management and team organization. Here you will learn how to work on projects systematically and complete them successfully.

During the semester, you will also be supported by a project coach who has been trained by the ZSK. Your project coach will guide you in two coaching sessions and discuss with you the individual challenges your team has to overcome. Additionally, you will take part in a workshop focusing on teamwork and conflict management.

Information about the course work

Review by the chair:

  • Preparation and submission of a work plan
  • Preparation and submission of a project report
  • Presentation of the project results

Review by the ZSK:

  • Processing the tasks in eLearning
  • Active participation in the coaching sessions and the workshop
  • Active participation on the final day

Target group

All Bachelor students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from the 5th semester onwards with studies beginning in/after winter semester 17/18.

How to apply

You may submit your application directly to the chair offering the project. In the project descriptions listed below, you will find information for each project about which documents to submit to which email address and how the further application process looks like.

You may apply to multiple projects. If you receive multiple acceptances, choose one project to which you are committed. Please send a rejection to all other projects to which you are accepted. Please note that a binding acceptance will be registered with the ZSK and you will then not be able to obtain a place in another project.