Student Research Projects in Cooperation with the University of the Bundeswehr München
The Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion is in close contact with the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Ludwig Bölkow Campus, Ottobrunn) and the Institute of Jet Propulsion (Neubiberg) at the University of the Bundeswehr München (UniBw).
As part of this cooperation, student research projects and student trainee activities are also offered, which can be carried out by TUM students at the UniBw:
Link to current work at the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hupfer)
Link to current work at the Institute of Jet Propulsion (Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dragan Kožulović)
Contact at the chair: Dr.-Ing. W. Erhard
Student Research Projects in Collaboration with the German Aerospace Center in Augsburg
The Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion is in contact with the DLR in Augsburg. Within the scope of this cooperation, student research projects and student assistant jobs are also offered.
Open positions can be found on the DLR website.