Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans Rick
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion (Prof. Gümmer)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 16168
- Room: 5506.EG.603
- hans.rick@tum.de
Studies: Mechanical engineering at the TH Karlsruhe (Diploma 1962).
Industry: Flight test Dornier-Werke Munich. Vertical take-off transport aircraft Do31 (V/STOL). Responsible for engine systems, head of Do31 flight test propulsion systems.
TU Munich (from 1972 to 2001): Doctorate, Habilitation, Academic Director, Professor for Gas Turbines and Aero Engines.
Teaching, research, industrial projects: DFG, SFB and international industry co-operations (MTU, SNECMA, Dornier, Airbus, DLR, EADS, BMW....) on stationary and mobile gas turbines as well as on engines of helicopters and aeroplanes up to space transporter hypersonic aircraft.
Lectures, diploma students, doctoral students (from 1976 to 2001): "Fundamentals of Turbomachinery", "Gas Turbines", "Turbo Compressors" as well as "Calculation Methods for Gas Turbines and Air Jet Propulsion".