Prof. Dr. Dieter Rist
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion (Prof. Gümmer)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone:
- dieter.rist@tum.de
- 1936: Born in Berlin.
1962: Graduated in mechanical and aeronautical engineering from the TU Berlin.
1962 - 1964: Scientific assistant at the Chair of Aircraft Engines at the TU Berlin (Prof. Münzberg).
1964 - present: Chair of Aircraft Engines at the TH/TU Munich (founder: Prof. Münzberg).- 1971: Promotion
- 1982: Habilitation
- 2001: 2001: Retirement as scient. Civil servant
- since 2001: Continuation of academic activities in the scientific enterprise of the TU Munich.
Author or co-author of numerous scientific publications.
- Autor bzw. Co-Autor von zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen.
Activities at the Chair of Flight Propulsion
Teaching as well as theoretical and experimental research, e.g.
- Service life determination of gas turbine components,
- Optimisation procedures for turbomachinery,
- Aircraft engine combustion chambers for low-emission combustion,
- Hydrogen supersonic combustion in ramjet engines.
- Secondary activities in industry
Secondary activities in industry
With special permission from the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Culture, scientific-technical work for various companies and authorities, including
- Since 1979: Planning and development work at AOA Apparatebau Gauting:
High-performance blowers and compressors of various types, air-turbine fan for aircraft systems (Airbus, Boeing, others), flow and cooling systems, fire protection components and systems in aircraft with simulation of transient conditions in aircraft and extinguishing system, test stands including measurement technology.
- 1983 - 2005: Work for companies and institutions in the natural gas industry:
BEB Erdgas Erdöl / ExxonMobil Hannover, Oberbergamt Clausthal, Wirtschaftsverband Erdöl- und Erdgasgewinnung (WEG) Hannover, Germanischer Lloyd Hamburg, Statoil Norway, Verbundnetz Gas Leipzig.
Book publications
- Dynamics of Real Gases, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.
- Two technical chapters on aircraft engine combustion chambers in volume 30 "Luftfahrtforschung in Deutschland" of the series "Die deutsche Luftfahrt", Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Bonn, 2001.