This is an archived page of the former Chair of Astronautics, which is now the Chair of Astrodynamics
The Chair of Astronautics analyzes, investigates and develops advanced space flight concepts and technologies.
The focus of the research area Real Time Teleoperation is set on simulation and evaluation of mission concepts and technologies for robotic applications in Earth orbit.
The research area Exploration Technologies focuses on numeric simulations and laboratory experiments regarding safe and reliable technologies for long-term manned space exploration.
In order to be able to understand and handle typically complex space systems, the area Systems Engineering investigates novel methods of model-based design.
Our groundstation equipment with a 4.8 m Cassegrain antenna in Ku/Ka-band with LHP, LVP, LHC, RHC (free switchable for Tx & Rx), a 2 m parabola antenna in S-band with RHCP, LHCP, and UHF/VHF antennas enable us to communicate with nearly any satellite in any orbit and to provide in-orbit testing (IOT) services.