

Backhaus, Luis: Modeling of the Time-of-Day-Dependent Surficial Lunar Hydrogen. Bachelor Thesis, 2024.

Dierksmeier, Lenard: 3D-Modelling and Investigation of the Lunar Exosphere: Light Noble Gases. Bachelor Thesis, 2024.

Holzwarth, Tim: Strategies for the Mitigation of Environmental Noise in the DEDRA Space Debris Detector. Bachelor Thesis, 2024

Schumacher, Marvin: Semi-automated CO2 snow-jet cleaning for the removal of particulate contamination: development, evaluation, and execution on the PLATO satellite structure. Term Paper, 2024.

Steinmann, Emma: Development and Verification of a Reduced Thermal Model for a Thermal-Vacuum-Facility. Bachelor Thesis, 2024

Vinkovic, Jana: Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Lunar Exospheric Density Measurements Across Diverse Missions. Term Paper, 2024


Dietrich, Carlos Felix: ISRULib: Parametric Analytical Modeling of Regolith Excavation and Handling Hardware. Semester Thesis, 2023

Eker, Nisanur: Conceptual Design of Deployable Solar Arrays to Support Space Exploration Missions on the Lunar Surface. Semester Thesis, 2023

Gruber, Mandy: Laboratory experiments with meteor simulation test bench to determine brightness and velocity dependencies of AllSky7 fireball cameras, 2023

Klecker, Tobias: Development of a vacuum distillation model for the recovery of metal alloys and recycling of molten salts from reduced lunar regolith. Master Thesis, 2023

Klesse, Jonathan: Accomplish Lightweight Image Representation and Transfer using Bag of Visual Words. Research Internship, 2023

Kurz, Tobias: Hard- and Software Development of a Moon Guiding System for Telescopes, 2023

Lamb, George: Work towards best practices for thermal modelling of Moon and Mars. Research Internship, 2023

Mügge-Durum, Jonas: System, Mechanical, and Thermal Design of a High Throughput Optical Communications Payload: A Case Study in GEO and Lunar Orbits. Master Thesis, 2023

Peine, Kilian: Development of a powder-based additive manufacturing method for application under microgravity conditions. Bachelor Thesis, 2023

Philipp, Gustav: Simulation framework to estimate heat losses of a high-temperature payload on the lunar surface. Bachelor Thesis, 2023

Rheinwald, Lennart Philipp: Modelling Lunar Electromagnetic Forces and their Interaction with Solar Wind. Master Thesis, 2023

Rossignol, Daniel: 3D reconstruction of impact ejecta from camera images, 2023

Schuster, Florian: ISRULib: Parametric Analytical Modeling of H2/O2 Electrolysis, Liquefaction and Cryostorage. Bachelor Thesis, 2023

Scudeler, Alessandro: Numerical and experimental investigation of vibrational conveyor parameters to transport lunar regolith. Master Thesis, 2023

Sharma, Isha Mohan: Development of a lunar surface model to predict particle behaviour following solar wind proton implantation. Master Thesis, 2023

Witzel, Thilo: Electrodedesign and -optimization for Lunar Permittivity Sensors. Semester Thesis, 2023


Hab, Niklas: Modeling, Simulation and Comparison of Lunar Thermal Water Extraction Methods for Space Resource Utilization. Master Thesis, 2022

Smolka, Alexander: Lunar Exosphere Simulation - Modeling and Simulation of our Moon`s Surface-Bounded Exosphere. Master Thesis, 2022