
Frontiers in Space Technologies

Just released: our new Research Topic in Frontiers in Space Technologies on "Technologies for Prospecting, Extraction, and Utilization of Space Resources". Open for submissions until 23 July! Learn more​​​​​​​

Artificial meteoroids will fly to space

On Tuesday, December 06 2022, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) announced the winners of the Microlauncher Payload Competition at the 2022 Small Satellites Conference (Kleinsatellitenkonferenz) in Berlin. The prize is a free launch on the first rocket of Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA). Among the…

New course in winter term 2022/23

Starting winter term 2022/23 we will offer a new course on "Space Resources", see: Teaching.

Appointment with...Professor Philipp Reiß

Interview of the TUM School of Engineering and Design regarding the appointment of Prof. Philipp Reiss

Our stand at LOIFT 2022

On 1 July, more than 30 chairs and groups presented themselves in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the information fair "Lehrstuhl-Orientierungs-, Informations- und Forschungstagung" (LOIFT). We were there with our own stand and thank the many students who stopped by for interesting chats…

New practical course in summer term 2022!

Starting summer term 2022 we will offer the pracical course "Spacecraft Thermal Analysis and Test", see: Teaching.