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Julius Bartasevicius, M.Eng.

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Aircraft Design (Prof. Hornung)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München

Research Area Aircraft Design
Focus of Interest Flight Tests
Projects FLiPASED


  • Meddaikar, Yasser M.; Kier, Thiemo M.; Bartasevicius, Julius; Yu, Fanglin; Vanek, Balint; Olgyay, Abel; Takarics, Béla: Aeroservoelastic induced drag modelling and minimization for the T-FLEX demonstrator. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2023 more…
  • Soal, Keith; Volkmar, Robin; Thiem, Carsten; Sinske, Julian; Meddaikar, Yasser M.; Govers, Yves; Böswald, Marc; Teubl, Daniel; Bartasevicius, Julius; Nagy, Mihaly; Vanek, Balint: Flight Vibration Testing of the T-FLEX UAV using Online Modal Analysis. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2023 more…
  • Bartasevicius, Julius; Fleig, Pedro A.; Metzner, Annina; Hornung, Mirko: Design and testing of an in-flight thrust measurement system for a pylon-mounted miniature jet engine. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022 more…
  • Yu, Fanglin; Bartasevicius, Julius & Hornung, Mirko: COMPARING POTENTIAL FLOW SOLVERS FOR AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS ESTIMATION OF THE T-FLEX UAV. ICAS, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences , 2022 more…
  • Bartasevicius, Julius; Koeberle, Sebastian J; Teubl, Daniel; Roessler, Christian; Hornung, Mirko: Flight Testing of 65Kg T-Flex Subscale Demonstrator. 32nd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2021 more…
  • Sodja, Jurij; De Breuker, Roeland; Meddaikar, Yasser M.; Dillinger, Johannes K.; Soal, Keith; Govers, Yves; Krueger, Wolf; Georgopoulos, Panagiotis; Koimtzoglou, Christos; Roessler, Christian; Koeberle, Sebastian J.; Bartasevicius, Julius; Teubl, Daniel; Gyulai, Laszlo; Toth, Szabolcs; Nagy, Mihaly; Balogh, Daniel; Jasdi, Miklos; Bauer, Péter; Vanek, Balint: Ground Testing of the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft. AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020 more…
  • Roessler, Christian; Bartasevicius, Julius; Koeberle, Sebastian J.; Teubl, Daniel; Hornung, Mirko; Meddaikar, Yasser M.; Dillinger, Johannes K.; Wustenhagen, Matthias; Kier, Thiemo M.; Looye, Gertjan; Sodja, Jurij; De Breuker, Roeland; Luspay, Tamas; Vanek, Balint; Georgopoulos, Panagiotis; Koimtzoglou, Christos: Results of an Aeroelastically Tailored Wing on the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft. AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020 more…