The Chair´s research work on Semantic Enrichment and User-orientated Multimodal Navigation is supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. The goal is to offer individually tailored routes based on different needs and modes of transport using event data from VGI. This project,…
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On Apr 4th 2017, the chair of Cartography, Technical University of Munich and the group of Geoinformatics, University of Augsburg held the 1st joint research seminar in TU Munich.
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For Verband Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure e. V. (VDV) members the Chair of Cartography offers a one day high mountain cartography excursion in Kauntertal (Austria).
Link to VDV excursion
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On 16th of November, the chair of Cartography and Cartography M.Sc. alumni Sigita Grinfelde supported OSMGEOWEEK by organizing a mapping event. More than 20 students from the international Master programme of Cartography and the study programme of Geodesy and Geoinformation joined this event. After…
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