MuMaCoMo – Intrinsic Net-shape Multi-Material Wet Compression Molding for Joining Composite and Metal Structures
To reduce process time and costs in automotive series production of hybrid structural components, we are developing an efficient wet compression molding process that allows the production of these components net-shape in a single press step.
Project Partners
Brabant & Lehnert Werkzeug- und Vorrichtungsbau GmbH, Adhesive Products GmbH, GATE Ltd.
01.08.2018 – 31.12.2021
Funding authority
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Reinforcing lightweight automotive elements such as B-pillars with local CFRP reinforcements generates an optimum of economy and performance. However, previous processes for the production of these components have the problem that the costs are too high due to excessive material waste of the fiber elements or the usage of high-priced semi-finished products. In addition, some of these processes are two-stage with long pressing times, so that a broad application for automobiles is not viable.

The new MuMaCoMo process is being developed in order to reduce material waste by up to 30%, production time by up to 50% and thus costs by approx. 25% compared to current processes. For the first time, structural components are to be produced in a single step by directly bonding metal sheet, carbon or glass fiber mat and resin together. In addition to researching the necessary process conditions, the development of an innovative tool will also be in the foreground, with which it will be possible to demold the fiber textile in the process by simply peeling it off and fixing it close to the final contour. An adhesive solution must be developed specifically for a curing time < 3 minutes suitable for large series production.
The chair thanks the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) for funding the development of an efficient wet compression molding process called MuMaCoMo for the production of hybrid lightweight structures in the framework of the programme “Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)”, funding number: ZF4004310TA8

Contact Persons
Felix Nusser, M.Sc.; Dr.-Ing. Swen Zaremba