PhD candidates and students of the Chair of Carbon Composites (LCC) and the Institute for Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology (MST) successfully applied to participate as team “TESOS” in the next mission of project “REXUS”.REXUS (Rocket Experiments for University Students) allows students from universities and higher education colleges all across Europe to carry out experiments on research rockets. The program is realized under a bilateral agreement between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) (
Up to now the structural modules of a REXUS rocket are made of aluminum. A funding by DLR Space Administration allowed LCC to develop a manufacturing strategy for a CFRP module.
Team TESOS uses this CFRP module to measure the temperature loads of the REXUS rocket in-flight within the laminate by fiber optic sensors.
The project starts with January 2017. The launch of the rocket is scheduled for March 2018 in Kiruna, Sweden.
You can follow the progress of the project on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.