Qualification and Study Programme
Qualification programme:
Main goal: enabling doctoral researchers
- to do outstanding research embedded in an internat. Environment
- to finish their dissertation within a time window of 3 years
- to prepare them optimally for their professional career in research or the private sector by shaping individual professional profiles
- Potential professional fields: climate & energy, aerospace and automotive industry, (re-)insurance companies, HPC
- QP based on the best practice example of the TUM Graduate School
- Enhancing existing infrastructure by additional RTG-specific elements
- Tailored qualification program for Post-docs

Study programme
The study program consists of 12 credit points (1 CP = 30 hours net workload).
Module elements:
- Kick-off seminar + annual retreats (2 CPs, compulsory)
- RTG-specific lectures (2 CP = four courses compulsory, further eligible)
- Guest lectures (1 CP per semester)
- Visualization and simulation lab
- International workshops (2 CP per workshop)
- Field trips and excursions (1 CP per trip)
- Transferable skills (überfachliche Schlüsselqualifikationen) (2 CP compulsory)
- Project team meetings
It will be individually designed between the doctoral researcher, the main and co-supervisors and the mentor as part of the supervision agreement.