You can download the following datasets. For each product the download consists of a zip-file containing a folder with the product acronym.
For details on the products and the data structure we refer to the Final Report and the Dataset User Manual.
COR-EC2: ECR Electronic Delay Correction
The ECR electronics causes a signal delay which has to be corrected in the SAR measurements. The effect was calibrated with a set of reference ECR, yielding a model that describes the delay as a function of orbit geometry and incidence angle. The model is evaluated for each acquisition and the results are stored the in dedicated correction files as described below.
COR-GC: Geodynamic Corrections
The geodynamic effects are computed from PTA-OBS and IERS-2010, following the definitions of the ITRF as outlined in the IERS conventions (version 2010, chapter 7, displacements of reference points). The cumulative impact on range and azimuth are stored in the correction file. The range corrections are available in units of meters 1-way. In order to apply them to the range observations, they need to be scaled by 2/c, with c denoting speed of light in vacuum. The azimuth corrections are in units of seconds and can be used as is. The following geodynamic corrections are comprised in values list in the file: Solid Earth tidal deformations caused by Sun & Moon, Ocean loading stemming from water mass redistribution by tides weighing on the coastlines using the FES2004 tidal model, Atmospheric pressure loading induced by diurnal heating of the atmosphere (S1 and S2 components), Rotational deformation due to polar motion, Ocean pole tide loading, Secular trends as inferred from nearby IGS reference site located on same tectonic plate. Multiple targets may be summarized in one file. Data blocks for different targets are placed side by side organized by dates. If a target is unavailable or detected an outlier (low SCR), the entries are set to 9.
COR-ID: Ionospheric Delays
The ionospheric correction files are generated from PTA-OBS and IGS-TEC. Ionospheric delays are stored as 1-way path delay in units of meters. In order to apply them to the range observations, they need to be scaled by 2/c, with c denoting speed of light in vacuum. Multiple targets may be summarized in one file. Data blocks for different targets are placed side by side organized by dates. If a target is unavailable or detected an outlier (low SCR), the entries are set to 9.
COR-SC: Sentinel-1 Systematic Effects Corrections
Sensor specific calibration constants (S1A, S1B) are stored in dedicated calibration files. The numbers need to be applied to the raw range and azimuth observations to ensure unbiased observations. The numbers primarily account for SAR payload internal signal delays and have been inferred from S1A and S1B measurements of the long term stable corner reflector installed at Metsähovi geodetic observatory.
COR-TD: Tropospheric Delays
The tropospheric correction files are generated from PTA-OBS and VMF3. Tropospheric delays are stored as 1-way path delay in units of meters. In order to apply them to the range observations, they need to be scaled by 2/c, with c denoting speed of light in vacuum. Multiple targets may be summarized in one file. Data blocks for different targets are placed side by side organized by dates. If a target is unavailable or detected an outlier (low SCR), the entries are set to 9.
GEO-HGT: Geoid Heights
Geoid heights with mean epoch 2020.5 for the tide gauge stations.
GNSS-POS: GNSS positioning solution
Time series of coordinates of the GNSS stations as X, Y, Z coordinates in the ITRF2014 and uncertainties. Confidence ellipsoid from eigenvalue and eigenvector decomposition of the variance-covariance-matrix scaled to a 95% confidence level. In case external reference coordinates for the same target are also available (e.g. from a terrestrial survey), the coordinate differences are computed.
PTA-OBS: SAR Raw Measurements
The observation file is generated from the point target analysis file (PTA-RES). Processor specific corrections are applied to range and azimuth during file generation, representing the raw SAR measurements. Multiple targets may be summarized in one file. Data blocks for different targets are placed side by side organized by dates. If a target is unavailable or detected an outlier (low SCR), the entries are set to 9.
Note on SWST: differential corrections are applied if the SWST became updated in the S-1 SAR processor, i.e. range measurements based on previous configurations are corrected in order to match the latest value applied in processing.
PTA-RES: Extracted Target Locations
The files contain the extracted target range and azimuth location(s) from point target analysis. Multiple targets may be summarized in one file as noted by the header. Data blocks are repeated for each target.
SAR-OBS: SAR Observation Solution
Time series of range and azimuth standard deviations σr and σa, provided by the variance component estimation and observation residuals.
SAR-POS: SAR Positioning Solution
Time series of coordinates of the SAR target as X, Y, Z coordinates in the ITRF2014 and uncertainties σX,σY,σZ,σXY,σXZ,σYZ, derived from the variance-covariance matrix. Confidence ellipsoid from eigenvalue and eigenvector decomposition of the variance-covariance-matrix scaled to a 95% confidence level. In case external reference coordinates for the same target are also available (e.g. from a terrestrial survey), the ΔXx,y,z coordinate differences are computed.
SL-ABS: Absolute Sea Level Heights
Time series of absolute sea level heights of tide gauge stations involved in the project.
TG-HGT: Tide Gauge Heights
Time series of unified physical heights of tide gauge stations.
TG-SSH: Corrected Sea Surface Height at Tide Gauge Stations
Time series of corrected sea surface heights observed at tide gauges with respect to the tide gauge benchmark with hourly temporal resolution.