Model-driven approach for accessing distributed spatial data using Web Services – demonstrated for cross-border GIS applications (mdWFS)
The project aims at developing an approach for web-based schema transformation of geospatial data. It includes the specification of a conceptual language for defining schema mapping rules for semantic transformation as well as the specification of an interface for a model-driven web service able to carry out semantic transformation.
Web-based Schema Transformation
mdWFS Workflow
Model-driven Transformation
Project description
Schema transformation is identified as key interoperability issue in INSPIRE. To be able to perform schema transformation, the INSPIRE Directive suggests so-called transformation services. With these services, data requested by a user could be directly transformed to match the INSPIRE Data Specifications while the original data remains unchanged.
However, standards for transformation services do not exist up to now. Furthermore, most existing approaches define the translation between source and destination schema on the level of the data transfer formats (e.g. GML application schemas), and not on the platform-independent conceptual level (e.g. UML schemas). This shortcoming is addressed by the research and development project "Model-driven approach for accessing distributed spatial data using Web Services – demonstrated for cross-border GIS applications (mdWFS)" which is carried out by the Technische Universität München (TUM) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) on behalf of the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) and the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) from 2006 until the end of 2011.
The project aims at developing a transformation service, called mdWFS (model-driven Web Feature Service), which can carry out model-driven transformation of spatial data in a web-based environment. In this approach, the schema translation is defined on the level of the conceptual schemas and not on the level of the data transfer formats. The transformation of the spatial data can then be carried out automatically based on these conceptual definitions. The transformations are defined with the transformation language Unified Modeling Language for Transformations (UMLT) which was developed specifically for this approach. The transition from the conceptual to the format level is accomplished by using encoding rules.
Source schemas used in the project are the German Digital Landscape Model (ATKIS Base-DLM) as part of the AFIS-ALKIS-ATKIS Reference Model (AAA) and the Swiss Data Model TLM (Topographic Landscape Model). These schemas are transformed into the harmonised EU INSPIRE Data Specifications. A graphical UMLT editor is being developed for defining the transformation rules and for exporting them in the XML Metadata Interchange format (XMI) for further use as platform- and data-format-independent input to any transformation tool able to interpret XMI. Within the project the transformation is based on the transformation tool FME from the Canadian company Safe Software. Since the UML models and the UMLT transformation rules are provided in XMI, FME is being extended within the scope of the project by appropriate readers and transformers to be able to handle XMI.
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie
Kutzner, Tatjana; Donaubauer, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.: UML-Profiles and their use in data modelling and model-driven transformation of geospatial data. gis.Science (4), 2018 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und semantischen Modelltransformation in der Region Bodensee. Geoinformationssysteme, Beiträge zum 17. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar 2012, Wichmann, 2012, 61-72 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana; Donaubauer, Andreas: Critical Remarks on the Use of Conceptual Schemas in Geospatial Data Modelling - A Schema Translation Perspective. Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography), Springer, 2012International AGILE'2012 Conference, Avignon (France), April, 24-27, 2012, 43-60 more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Kutzner, Tatjana; Straub, Florian: Model-driven Semantic Transformation – a Report on Work in Progress. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES Information Brochure. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7th completely revised, extended and updated edition. edn.), 2011, 52-53 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Zweiter Workshop "Semantische Modelltransformation im Kontext von INSPIRE. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2011, 65-66 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Second Workshop „Semantic Schema Translation in the context of INSPIRE“. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES Information Brochure. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7th completely revised, extended and updated edition. edn.), 2011, 56-57 more…BibTeX
Banfi, Daniel; Fünfer, Hubert; Kutzner, Tatjana: Von ALKIS und ATKIS zu INSPIRE. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (6. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2010, 40-42 more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Kutzner, Tatjana; Gnägi, Hans Ruedi; Henrich, Stefan; Fichtinger, Astrid: Webbasierte Modelltransformation in der Geoinformatik. Modellierung 2010, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2010, 269-284 more…BibTeX
Fichtinger, Astrid; Kutzner, Tatjana: Datenharmonisierung im Kontext von INSPIRE. Geoinformationssysteme - Beiträge zum 15. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar, abcverlag, 2010, 30-46 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: The Unified Modeling Language for the Translation of Spatial Data on Conceptual Level - Challenges and Limitations. Proceedings of the GIScience 2010 Doctoral Colloquium, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, 2010, 55-58 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana; Eisenhut, Claude: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und Modelltransformation in der Region Bodensee im Kontext von INSPIRE. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut, 2010 more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Fichtinger, Astrid; Kutzner, Tatjana: Semantische Transformation als Geo Web Service. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Verlag des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2009Arbeitsgruppe Automation in Kartographie, Photogrammetrie und GIS, Tagung 2008, 67-82 more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Fichtinger, Astrid; Kutzner, Tatjana; Schilcher, Matthäus: Semantische Modelltransformation im Kontext von INSPIRE. Newsletter (22), 2009, 10-13 more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Fichtinger, Astrid; Kutzner, Tatjana: Semantische Transformation als Geo Web Service. Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, (Mitteilungen des BKG Band 43: Arbeitsgruppe Automation in Kartographie, Photogrammetrie und GIS Tagung 2008 ), 2008, more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Straub, Florian; Fichtinger, Astrid; Staub, Peter: Web-basierte Modelltransformation - eine Lösung für INSPIRE? GIS Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik, 2008 more…BibTeX
Schilcher, Matthäus; Donaubauer, Andreas; Carosio, Alessandro; Fichtinger, Astrid; Henrich, Stefan; Staub, Peter; Kutzner, Tatjana: Projekt mdWFS, Phase III – Abschlussbericht. Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2008, more…BibTeX
Carosio, Alessandro; Schilcher, Matthäus; Donaubauer, Andreas; Morf, Andreas; Staub, Peter; Straub, Florian: Projekt mdWFS, Phase II – Abschlussbericht. Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie und swisstopo, 2007, more…BibTeX
Donaubauer, Andreas; Straub, Florian; Schilcher, Matthäus: mdWFS: A Concept of Web-enabling Semantic Transformation. 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2007 more…BibTeX
Carosio, Alessandro; Schilcher, Matthäus; Donaubauer, Andreas; Morf, Andreas; Staub, Peter; Straub, Florian: Projekt mdWFS, Phase I – Abschlussbericht. Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie und swisstopo, 2006, more…BibTeX