Prototypical transformation of spatial data to INSPIRE in the cross-border Lake Constance region
The mapping and cadastre authorities of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland launched a pilot project which aims at prototypically transforming the topographical data together with the cadastre data to the INSPIRE data models from Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive using semantic transformation and to provide them via view and download services. The semantic transformation is executed by means of two different approaches, the format-driven approach as well as the model-driven approach.
Workflow Format-driven Transformation
Workflow Model-driven Transformation
Project description
In the context of the EU INSPIRE Directive harmonised European data models, called INSPIRE Data Specifications, are defined for certain themes such as administrative units or hydrography. For data providers such as environmental authorities of mapping agencies, who are required to provide INSPIRE-compliant geospatial data, this means, that the data has to be transformed into the data models specified by the EU before providing them to the user. In this context, the mapping and cadastre authorities of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland launched a joint pilot project which aims at prototypically transforming the topographical data together with the cadastre data to the INSPIRE data models from Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive using semantic transformation and to analyse the method of the semantic transformation prototypically.
Above that, it will also be compared in how far the four countries are capable of filling the INSPIRE Data Specifications with regard to the compulsory data and the optional voidable information. Valuable advice is expected from the prototypical analysis on how to provide the customers in the short and long term as efficiently as possible with the spatial base data by means of a cross-border spatial data infrastructure, without the user having to take care of complex data integration into his/her applications.
In a first step the focus is on the format-driven transformation. Here the transformation is defined and executed directly on the format level (e.g. SHAPE files). The description and the following implementation of the transformation process are to be carried out based on the AAA model with the software FUSION Data Service (FDS) from the company AED-SICAD AG. The FDS is based on the Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) from the company Safe Software Inc., which has been extended by the Semantic Mapper module through the company AED-SICAD AG.
In a second step the model-driven transformation is to be realised for individual spatial data themes. Here the transformation rules between the country’s source data models and the INSPIRE Data Specifications are defined on the conceptual level and afterwards are applied to the actual spatial data. The source and target data models of the individual countries and of INSPIRE are defined using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). For this purpose, the scientific foundations have to be developed and technical solutions for the prototypical transformation have to be implemented first. The transformation results and especially the approach of defining the transformation rules of the two alternatives can then easily be compared. The research will be based on the results from a study which analysed different modelling languages and profiles; furthermore the mdWFS approach of the GIS Group and the ETH Zurich will be employed there. The main focus of the analyses will be on the model-driven semantic transformation based on differing modelling languages. As a possible solution to this problem the definition of a core profile of the modelling language UML with subsequent metamodel transformation is taken into account.
Project sponsors
Federal Office for Topography swisstopo, Switzerland
Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying, Austria
Agency for Surveying and Geoinformation, Bavaria
State Agency for Spatial InfACormation And Rural Development, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Deutschland
Kutzner, Tatjana; Donaubauer, Andreas; Müller, Michael; Feichtner, Astrid; Goller, Steffen: Erfolgreiche Transformation von Geodaten nach INSPIRE in der grenzüberschreitenden Region Bodensee. zfv - Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (2), 2014, 103-109 more…BibTeX
Schilcher, Matthäus: Grenzüberschreitende Geodaten – "Geodatenpool Bodensee". In: Kummer, Klaus; Kötter, Theo; Eichhorn, Andreas (Ed.): Das deutsche Vermessungs- und Geoinformationswesen 2015. Wichmann, 2014, 27-32 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und semantischen Modelltransformation in der Region Bodensee. Geoinformationssysteme, Beiträge zum 17. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar 2012, Wichmann, 2012, 61-72 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana; Donaubauer, Andreas: Critical Remarks on the Use of Conceptual Schemas in Geospatial Data Modelling - A Schema Translation Perspective. Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography), Springer, 2012International AGILE'2012 Conference, Avignon (France), April, 24-27, 2012, 43-60 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana; Schilcher, Matthäus; Aderhold, Bianca: INSPIRE auf dem Prüfstand der grenzüberschreitenden Praxistauglichkeit in der Testregion Bodensee. Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012, Wichmann, 2012Beiträge zum 24. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, 181-190 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Zweiter Workshop "Semantische Modelltransformation im Kontext von INSPIRE. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2011, 65-66 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Second Workshop „Semantic Schema Translation in the context of INSPIRE“. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES Information Brochure. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7th completely revised, extended and updated edition. edn.), 2011, 56-57 more…BibTeX
Lill, Michael; Kutzner, Tatjana; Fünfer, Hubert: Erfahrungen mit semantischer Transformation auf Basis heute verfügbarer Software. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2011, 56-59 more…BibTeX
Lill, Michael; Kutzner, Tatjana; Fünfer, Hubert: Experience with Semantic Transformation Based on Currently Available Software. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES Information Brochure. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7th completely revised, extended and updated edition. edn.), 2011, 49-51 more…BibTeX
Schönherr, Hansjörg; Schilcher, Matthäus; Illert, Andreas; Kutzner, Tatjana; Heß, Dieter: Grenzüberschreitende Transformation von Geodaten nach INSPIRE in der Region Bodensee - Herausforderung für Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2011, 51-55 more…BibTeX
Schönherr, Hansjörg; Schilcher, Matthäus; Illert, Andreas; Kutzner, Tatjana; Heß, Dieter: Cross-border Transformation of Spatial Data to INSPIRE in the Lake Constance Region – Challenge for Administration, Industry and Science. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES Information Brochure. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (7th completely revised, extended and updated edition. edn.), 2011, 44-48 more…BibTeX
Eisenhut, Claude; Kutzner, Tatjana: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und Modelltransformation in der Region Bodensee im Kontext von INSPIRE. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (6. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2010, 34 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: Semantische Transformation am Beispiel der Testregion Bodensee. In: Schilcher, Matthäus (Ed.): INSPIRE-GMES-Informationsbroschüre. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut (6. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. edn.), 2010, 35-36 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana: The Unified Modeling Language for the Translation of Spatial Data on Conceptual Level - Challenges and Limitations. Proceedings of the GIScience 2010 Doctoral Colloquium, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, 2010, 55-58 more…BibTeX
Kutzner, Tatjana; Eisenhut, Claude: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und Modelltransformation in der Region Bodensee im Kontext von INSPIRE. Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Institut, 2010 more…BibTeX