Open Data
On this site you can find links to Open Data, created or modified at the Chair of Geoinformatics and provided for download.
Semantic 3D City Model of New York City
Find here data of a city and streetspace model of New York City for download. The model contains over 500.000 individual objects indlucing roadbeds, sidewalks, parking lots, plazas and many more. Find more information on the semantic 3D city model of NYC on the corresponding project page.
LoD3 Building models in Ingolstadt
This CityGML dataset contains road space models (over 50 building models) in the area of Ingolstadt. To ensure the highest accuracy geometrically as well as semantically, the dataset was manually modeled based on the mobile laser scannings (MLS) provided by the company 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH (relative accuracy in the range of 1-3cm). Find more information on the corresponding GitHub-page.