
The Chair of Geoinformatics (TUM) presents an improved digital 3D city model of New York City. The generated CityGML compliant LoD2 datasets can be downloaded freely from our project website. While including new building models in LoD2, this city model especially provides…

On successful completion of OGC Future City Pilot Phase 1, the scenarios and the results of the project have been captured in a video. This video was shown for the first time in OGC TC Meeting (Delft, the Netherlands) in March, 2017 and is now available on YouTube. The Chair of…

In the context of the visiting professorship of Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kolbe at TU Delft, the entire team of the chair took the opportunity for an exchange and followed the invitation of Prof. Jantien Stoter and Prof. Peter van Oosterom to TU Delft. In addition to a visit to the…

Dr. Robert Kaden, former research associate at the Chair of Geoinformatics is the winner of this year's Young Academics Award of the Round Table GIS for the best dissertation. The prize is worth 2.500 Euros and was awarded on February 20, 2017 during the evening event of the…

Tatjana Kutzner, research associate at the Chair of Geoinformatics, successfully defended her doctoral thesis on "Geospatial Data Modelling and Model-driven Transformation of Geospatial Data based on UML Profiles" on 22.11.2016. The picture shows from left to right the chairman…

The TUM Chair of Geoinformatics and the association Runder Tisch GIS e.V. presented their new Guidlines for the Coordinate Reference System Change to ETRS89/UTM at the conference Kommunales GIS-Forum 2016 in Neu-Ulm on 14.11.2016. The guidlines which were developed under the…

Prof. Kolbe gave the opening keynote talk at the 11th International Conference 3D GeoInfo 2016. The presentation has the title „Making 3D City Models Dynamic“; the slides can be downloaded as a PDF file (21 MB) now. The 3D GeoInfo 2016 conference was held jointly with the…

On September, 22nd of 2016 the 7th Symposium on Agricultural Sciences of the Hans Eisenmann Center of the Technical University of Munich took place at the Department of Life Sciences in Weihenstephan. The topic of the event was “Digital Farming: Big Data – Smart Data – Data…

The Chair of Geoinformatics is going to support the "Climathon" in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London. The Climathon is a 24-hour hackathon organised by Climate-KIC to develop ideas and innovative solutions for the challanges and impacts associated with climate change in our…

On 13-14 October 2016, the Chair of Geoinformatics at TUM hosted the 1st joint SIG 3D and OGC workshop on the development of a CityGML ADE for utility networks (UtilityNetworkADE) which allows for integrating CityGML based building models with the urban supply and disposal…