
The study project “Prevention against Alpine Natural Hazards” finished successfully with a presentation of the results at “Die Wildbach” (Austria’s administration for the construction and maintenance of mountain torrent and avalanche barriers) in Reutte/Tyrol. Supervised by the…

The chair of Geoinformatics gave 2 oral presentations at the 13th International Conference 3D GeoInfo 2018 held at the Delft University of Technology: Researcher Bruno Willenborg presented the paper on "Integration of Semantic 3D City Models and 3D Mesh Models for Accuracy…

Imagine you could easily install and configure a 3D geodatabase for virtual 3D city models with a single command in virtually any runtime environment. Exactly this is now possible with the new Docker Images for the 3DCityDB! 3DCityDB is the free 3D geodatabase developed by the…

As part of its membership in the association Runder Tisch GIS e.V. (Round Table GIS) and in the Leonhard Obermeyer Center - TUM Center of digital methods for the built environment (LOC), the TUM Chair of Geoinformatics carried out a successful workshop at the BIM World Munich…

On successful completion of OGC Future City Pilot Phase 1, the scenarios and the results of the project have been documented in an OGC Public Engineering Report (OGC document number 16-098 titled "Future City Pilot 1 Engineering Report") and is now publicly available. The…

The Chair of Geoinformatics had a good run at the 12th International Conference 3D GeoInfo 2017 held at the University of Melbourne: The paper on „Estimating Building Age with 3D GIS“ jointly written by Filip Biljecki (TU Delft / National University of Singapore) and Maximilian…

The organisations Runder Tisch GIS e.V. and DVW – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement e.V. have published the guidlines "Geodesy and BIM" at INTERGEO 2017 which were created in cooperation with the TUM Chair of Geoinformatics. The guidelines are intended…

Albert Godfrind and Hans Viehmann from the company ORACLE visited the Chair of Geoinformatics for a workshop with the developer team of the Open Source 3D geodatabase 3DCityDB today. Albert Godfrind is one of the fathers of the Spatial Extension of the ORACLE database management…

The Bavarian Week of Geodesy was carried out already for the fifth time, this year from 14th – 23rd of Juli 2017. Technical University of Munich (TUM) participated at the Central Action Day on the 18th of July in Munich. Around 400-450 pupils from secondary schools joined the…

Under the headline "Point Clouds & Internet of Things" the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment carried out the Geomatics Day 2017 at TU Delft on the 23rd of June, 2017. Besides students and scientists also numerous companies from The Netherlands joined the…