Twin4Clim is an EU INTERREG project with the aim of supporting municipalities in the Salzburg-Bavaria border region in adapting to climate change - through the development and implementation of Urban Digita Twins. These digital models serve as tools for simulating and analyzing climate-related scenarios and thus support well-founded decision-making processes.
The project focuses on three central topics: Urban Development Scenarios, Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management. The digital twins to support these key topics are created on the basis of the Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI) framework.
The project is a cooperation between the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Chair of Geoinformatics, RSA FG iSPACE, Innovation Salzburg GmbH and Bayern Innovativ GmbH.
Through the development of these digital solutions and the close cooperation of the project partners, Twin4Clim aims to strengthen the ability of municipalities to proactively take measures to mitigate the negative effects of climate change.
The project's central goals and objectives were presented at the Salz21 session “Planning Innovations for Climate Resilient Communities and Regions”, where the main objectives of the project were presented.