Kuat Abeshev

TUS2ESM Professur für Erdsystemmodellierung (Prof. Boers)

85521 Ottobrunn, Lise-Meitner-Straße 9-11

E-Mail: kuat.abeshev@tum.de


Research interests

I am the Head of Communications for the Horizon Europe project ClimTip, where we focus on quantifying climate tipping points and sharing this knowledge with the youth, scientists, and decision makers. My career began with over six years in creative media and advertising, followed by impactful roles at Germanwatch and the World Biogas Association, where I analyzed and communicated climate policies. After completing two M.Sc. degrees in Political Science and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), I am now a Ph.D. candidate researching the politics of climate emotions exploring how eco-grief can drive climate action. Passionate about effective communication, I am committed to fostering a well-informed civil society and driving meaningful social change.


Abeshev, Kuat & Koppenborg, Florentine (2023) More than just organics: Boosting separate collection of dry recyclables with door-to-door bio-waste collection in EU capitals. Waste Management. Apr 15;161:156-165. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2023.02.026. Epub 2023 Mar 4. 

Goritz, A., Abeshev, K. & Ryfisch, D. (2022) Von Elmau bis Hiroshima: Wie Japan 2023 die Klima- und Energieagenda der G7 voranbringen kann. Germanwatch G7-Briefing-Reihe. Germanwatch e.V. Bonn; Berlin. (German | English ) 

Triki, A., Abeshev, K., Goritz, A. & Ryfisch, D. (2022) G7 in 2022: Towards a Green G7 Hydrogen Action Pact. Germanwatch G7-Briefing-Reihe. Germanwatch e.V. Bonn; Berlin. 

Goritz, A., Triki, A., Abeshev, K., Ryfisch, D., Busch, R. & Kötter, T. (2022) Three recommendations on how to build a successful international green hydrogen market. Germanwatch / Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft.