Picture of Sophie Armanini

Prof. Dr. Sophie Armanini

Sophie Armanini received her PhD degree in aerospace engineering in 2018 from Delft University of Technology (Control & Simulation Section), the Netherlands, where she worked on modelling and system identification of unconventional, bio-inspired flapping-wing micro air vehicles. Her MSc degree, also in aerospace engineering, was obtained from the Technical University of Munich. From 2018 to 2020 she held a position of Research Associate at Imperial College London (Aerial Robotics Laboratory), where she worked on dynamics and control problems related to unconventional small-scale aerial-aquatic robots. She has also been a visiting researcher at Cornell University (USA), Cranfield University (UK), and AOS Group (Melbourne, Australia).

Sophie Armanini’s research interests include flight dynamics, system identification and control, especially for unconventional (un)manned air vehicles – with the goal of enabling higher efficiency, improved performance and novel applications. For more information please visit the Research page.