Research Subjects
Astrodynamics (a.k.a. Spaceflight Mechanics): development of mathematical models, and analytical and numerical solutions for rotational and orbital spaceflight. Applications include: agile attitude maneuvers, proximity operations, distributed space systems, and exploration of small bodies.
Autonomous Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control: design, implementation and experimental testing of real-time-capable algorithms. The algorithms are based on classical and optimal control theory, and physics based AI/Machine Learning.
Orbital Space Robotics: development of mathematical models for multi-body orbiting satellites. Applications include: autonomous rendez-vous and docking, on-orbit servicing, assembly, and debris removal.
Space Systems Engineering: invention and development of advanced space systems and subsystems. For instance: attitude control subsystems, dynamic test facilities, and LEO/VLEO architectures for Earth observation.
Innovation & Technology Transfer: transdisciplinary applications of space engineering and its methods to other technological realms. Applications include: robotics.
Space Sustainability and Benefits of Space: space-based technologies to address societal challenges, critical analysis of the effect of space exploration and utilization for the prosperity of humankind. Problems of interest include: orbital congestion, conflict non-proliferation, circular economy, and climate change mitigation.
Research Philosophy
Combine theoretical and analytical investigations, numerical simulations and hardware experimentation
Utilize a problem-oriented approach
Formulate and address both foundational as well as mission-specific research questions
Research methods include: conceptualization, model development, analysis, simulation, design, and experimental testing, using lab facilities and experimental space platforms