Dr.-Ing. Uchendu E. Chigbu

Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl von 2012 bis 2020

Namibia University of Science and Technology,
Land and Property Sciences
Land Administration



Zuständigkeiten (Responsibilities)

  • Coordinates doctoral research
  • Mentors doctoral candidates (within & outside TUM)
  • Writes research grant proposals
  • Coordinates research projects
  • Lectures postgraduate courses
  • Supervises/Examines PhD candidates (outside TUM)
  • Supervises postgraduate theses (within & outside TUM)

Werdegang (Career)

Eugene is the Coordinator of the PhD programme in land management. His educational experiences are broad and cover the social, management, environmental and engineering sciences. His work focuses on researching, developing and teaching transformative pathways to development through land tenure security, land-use planning, and land policy and governance improvements. He has managed international multi-stakeholder projects co-funded by the GLTN/UN-Habitat, GIZ, and International Social Science Council. His most prominent projects are the tenure responsive land-use planning which involved research activities in Angola, Brazil, Chile, Ivory Coast, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, The Philippines and Zambia. He is a reviewer for more than 10 International Journals. He has supervised over 30 postgraduate theses on various land related topics in urban and rural contexts. He has served as principal PhD examiner at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is an external examiner to Ardhi University in Tanzania.

Mitgliedschaften (Professional Affiliations)

  • 2009: Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)
  • 2010: African Good Governance Network (DAAD)
  • 2015: Commission 2, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
  • 2015: African Studies Association in Germany (VAD)
  • 2015: German Association of Surveying (DVW)
  • 2016: International Association of Community Development (IACD)
  • 2018: Community Development Association (CDA)

Forschungsvorhaben (Research Projects)

  • Rural-urban development continuum
  • Tenure responsive land approaches
  • Smart and responsible land management
  • Gender responsive approaches
  • Transformative land/natural resource governance/policy
  • Capacity development in land management in Africa


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  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Bendzko, Tobias; Mabakeng, Menare Royal; Kuusaana, Elias Danyi; Tutu, Derek Osei: Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration from Theory to Practice: Three Demonstrative Case Studies of Local Land Administration Initiatives in Africa. Land 10 (5), 2021, 476 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • de Vries, Walter T.; Chigbu, Uchendu E.; Duran-Diaz, Pamela: Home, Robert (Ed.): Twenty Years of Building Capacity in Land Management, Land Tenure and Urban Land Governance – Land Issues in Urban African Governance. Springer, 2020 more… BibTeX


  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Masculinity, men and patriarchal issues aside: How do women’s actions impede women’s access to land? Matters arising from a peri-rural community in Nigeria. Land Use Policy 81, 2019, 39-48 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Ntihinyurwa, Pierre Damien; de Vries, Walter Timo; Ngenzi, Edith Ishimwe: Why Tenure Responsive Land-Use Planning Matters: Insights for Land Use Consolidation for Food Security in Rwanda. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (8), 2019, 1354 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu; Alemayehu, Zebad; Dachaga, Walter: Uncovering land tenure insecurities: tips for tenure responsive land-use planning in Ethiopia. Development in Practice, 2019, 1-13 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu; Ntihinyurwa; de Vries; Ngenzi: Why Tenure Responsive Land-Use Planning Matters: Insights for Land Use Consolidation for Food Security in Rwanda. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (8), 2019, 1354 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Durán-Díaz, Pamela; de Vries, Walter T.; Chigbu Uchendu E.: The ADLAND Model: Transformative Experiences and Lessons in Human Capital Development in Land Governance in Africa. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty , The World Banck Group, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lee, Cheonjae; de Vries, Walter Timo; Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Land Governance Re-Arrangements: The One-Country One-System (OCOS) versus One-Country Two-System (OCTS) Approach. Administrative Sciences 9 (1), 2019, 21 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ntihinyurwa, Pierre Damien; de Vries, Walter Timo; Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Dukwiyimpuhwe, Patrick Acklam: The positive impacts of farm land fragmentation in Rwanda. Land Use Policy 81, 2019, 565-581 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Gaynor Paradza and Walter Dachaga: Differentiations in Women’s Land Tenure Experiences: Implications for Women’s Land Access and Tenure Security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Land (8 (2)), 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)


  • Uchendu Chigbu, Chimaraoke O. Izugbara and Walter T. de Vries: Land, Culture, Culture Loss and Community: Rural Insights from Sub-Saharan Africa – 8. In: Sue Kenny, Brian McGrath and Rhonda Phillips (Ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Community Development - Perspectives From Around the Globe. Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2018, 98-114 more… BibTeX
  • Ameyaw P. D., Dachaga W., Chigbu U. E., de Vries W. and Asante L. A.: Responsible land management: the basis for evaluating customary land management in Dormaa Ahenkro, in Ghana. Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World, World Bank, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu U. E.: Congo’s Environmental Paradox: Potential and Predation in a Land of Plenty (Book Review). African Studies Quarterly - Special Issue: China- Africa Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on African “Migrants” in China 17 (4), 2018, 152-153 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu U. E., de Vries W. T., Duran D. P., Schopf A. and Bendzko T.: Advancing collaborative research in responsible and smart land management in and for Africa: The ADLAND model. Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World, World Bank, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu Uchendu, E.; de Vries, Walter T.; Durán-Díaz, Pamela: Advancing Collaborative Research in Responsible and Smart Land Management in and for Africa: the ADLAND Model. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu, U. E.: Urban planning for dummies. Community Development 49 (2), 2018, 247-248 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, U. E., Wanyonyi A., Achungo B., Mkumbwa S., Sylla, Oumar S., Liversage H.: Capacity Development Lessons from Tenure Security Learning Initiative in Eastern and Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA). Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World, World Bank, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Fomete T., Acworth J., Afana A., Kankeu R. S., Bonnemaijer J., Ajebe H., Chigbu U. E., Rossi M., Epie P., Sembres T. and Douard P.: Reframing local land use planning methods and tools in South-West Cameroon as a foundation for secure tenure, sustainable and equitable rural development, and REDD+. Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World, World Bank, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Sait M. A. and Chigbu U.E.: Land Tenure anRenewable Energy Systems Linkages: Implications in the Global South. Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World 2018World Bank more… BibTeX
  • Sait, Mohammed; Chigbu, Uchendu; Hamiduddin, Iqbal; de Vries, Walter: Renewable Energy as an Underutilised Resource in Cities: Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ and Lessons for Post-Brexit Cities in the United Kingdom. Resources 8 (1), 2018, 7 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Sait, Mohammed; Chigbu, Uchendu; Hamiduddin, Iqbal; de Vries, Walter: Renewable Energy as an Underutilised Resource in Cities: Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ and Lessons for Post-Brexit Cities in the United Kingdom. Resources 8 (1), 2018, 7 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schopf A., Baume M., Dörfler E., de Vries W., Chigbu U.E. and Antonio D. (2018).: E-Learning for Land Management: Experiences from Two Learning Packages. Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World 2018World Bank more… BibTeX


  • Handayani W. Rudiarto I., Setyono J. S., Chigbu U. E. and Sukmawati, A. M.: Vulnerability assessment: A comparison of three different city sizes in the coastal area of Central Java, Indonesia. Advances in Climate Change Research 8 (4), 2017, 286-296 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lee C., Lu Y., Wang M., de Vries W.T. and Chigbu, U.E.: Transforming Land Governance: one country, one system" versus "one country, two systems. International conference on Sustainable Urban and Regional Development – Research and Policy Challenges for the Asia-Pacific Rim, Regional Studies Association, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Walter T. de Vries and Uchendu Eugene Chigbu: Responsible Land Management – Concept and application in a territorial rural context. Fub –Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung (79 (2)), 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Walter T. de Vries, Uchendu Eugene Chigbu: Responsible land management - Concept and application in a territorial rural context. fub. Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung, 2017 more… BibTeX


  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Masum, Fahria; Schopf, Anna; de Vries, Walter T.; Mabikke, Samuel; Antonio, Danilo; Sylla, Oumar; Espinoza, Jorge; Graefen, Christian: Combining land-use planning and tenure security: a tenure responsive land-use planning approach for developing countries. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu UE, Masum F, Schopf, Mabikke S, Antonio D, Espinoza J and Graefen C.: Tenure responsive land use planning: Critical steps for actions in tackling urban poverty in developing countries. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington. March 14 – 18., 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Schopf, Anna; de Vries, Walter T.; Masum, Fahria; Mabikke, Samuel; Antonio, Danilo; Espinoza, Jorge: Combining land-use planning and tenure security: a tenure responsive land-use planning approach for developing countries. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 60 (9), 2016, 1622-1639 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Masum, Fahria; de Vries, Walter T; Siegert, Florian; Mekuria, Zebad A; Sakaria, Peterina; Agboeze, Anthony I; Assoua, Kocra L; Ntiador, Anthony M; Mulenga, Christopher; Amelia, Annisa; Kakulu, Iyemeni I; Faria, Paulo; Adjue, Julien; Kaghoma, Christian: Participatory rapid co-design for transformative resource governance research in the Gulf of Guinea. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 20, 2016, 15-20 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Masum, Fahria; de Vries, Walter T; Siegert, Florian; Mekuria, Zebad A; Sakaria, Peterina; Agboeze, Anthony I; Assoua, Kocra L; Ntiador, Anthony M; Mulenga, Christopher; Amelia, Annisa; Kakulu, Iyemeni I; Faria, Paulo; Adjue, Julien; Kaghoma, Christian: Participatory rapid co-design for transformative resource governance research in the Gulf of Guinea. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 20, 2016, 15-20 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Danilo A, Mabikke S, Selebalo C, Chigbu UE and Espinoza J: Securing Tenure through Responsive Land Use Planning: An Innovative Tool for Country Level Interventions. FIG Working Week, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 2–6., 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Masum F., Chigbu UE., Espinoza J., Graefen C.: Limitations of formal land delivery system: Need for a pro-poor urban land development policy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington. March 14 – 18., 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Tutu DO, Asante LA, Appiah MN, Bendzko T and Chigbu UE: Towards a pro-poor customary land rights security in rural Ghana: land tenure inventory using mobile application by local youth. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington. March 14 – 18., 2016 more… BibTeX
  • Uchendu Eugene Chigbu: Land Tenure Security in Selected Countries - Global Repot. TUM/GIZ/UN-Habitat, UN-Habitat (Nairobi) , 2016, more… BibTeX


  • Chigbu UE, Kakulu IY and Ntiador MA: Mapping ancestral land boundaries: ideas for creating transformative change through conflict prevention in oil-rich communities in Ogoni, Nigeria. Intl Workshops on Transformative Social Change and Resource Governance in the Gulf of Guinea, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 16-19, 2015 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu UE, Leitmeier A, Masum F, Baume M, Antonio D, Mabikke S, Espinoza E and Hernig A: Land Use Planning for Tenure Security: An E-Learning Tool for Developing Countries. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu UE, Masum F, Leitmeier A, Antonio D, Mabikke S, Espinoza E and Hernig A: Securing tenure through Land Use Planning: Conceptual framework, evidences and experiences from selected countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Ruralisation: a tool for rural transformation. Development in Practice 25, 2015, 1067-1073 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Repositioning culture for development: women and development in a Nigerian rural community. Community, Work & Family 18, 2015, 334-350 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Ruralisation: a tool for rural transformation. Development in Practice 25 (7), 2015, 1067-1073 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene and Kalashyan Vache: Land-Use Planning and Public Administration in Bavaria, Germany: Towards A Public Administration Approach To Land-Use Planning. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape, 2015, 7-17 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Kalashyan, Vache;: Land-Use Planning and Public Administration in Bavaria, Germany: Towards A Public Administration Approach To Land-Use Planning. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 1, 2015, 7-17 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Chigbu, UE and Amaefule, C: Attaining “Transformation to Sustainability (T2S)” through activism. Eco-Instigator Issue 6. pp. 4-8, 2014 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu, UE and Ntiador, AM: Ebola in West Africa: implications on “community interaction” in urban Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research 2 (10): 329-346, 2014 more… BibTeX
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Introduction to community development: theory, practice, and service-learning. Community Development 45 (1), 2014, 103-104 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: The villagers: changed values, altered lives – the closing of the urban–rural gap. Community Development 46, 2014, 78-79 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Repositioning culture for development: women and development in a Nigerian rural community. Community, Work & Family 18 (3), 2014, 334-350 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Uchendu Eugene Chigbu: Land Tenure in Nigeria (In: Land tenure security in selected countries - Synthesis Report). TUM/GIZ/UN-Habitat, 2014, more… BibTeX
  • Uchendu Eugene Chigbu and Anthony Mallen Ntiador: Ebola in West Africa: implications on “community interaction” in urban Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research (2 (10)), 2014 more… BibTeX


  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Rurality as a choice: Towards ruralising rural areas in sub-Saharan African countries. Development Southern Africa 30, 2013, 812-825 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Fostering rural sense of place: the missing piece in Uturu, Nigeria. Development in Practice 23, 2013, 264-277 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Rurality as a choice: Towards ruralising rural areas in sub-Saharan African countries. Development Southern Africa 30 (6), 2013, 812-825 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Fostering rural sense of place: the missing piece in Uturu, Nigeria. Development in Practice 23 (2), 2013, 264-277 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Uchendu Eugene Chigbu and Michael Klaus: Insecurity-generating system of land tenure and its impact on rural development: evidence from Uturu. FIG Working Week, 2013 more… BibTeX


  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Village renewal as an instrument of rural development: evidence from Weyarn, Germany. Community Development 43, 2012, 209-224 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development. Community Development 43, 2012, 677-678 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene: Village renewal as an instrument of rural development: evidence from Weyarn, Germany. Community Development 43 (2), 2012, 209-224 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kris Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene Chigbu and Jonathan O. Onyekwelu: Non-timber forest products for rural livelihood security: evidence from markets in Akure metropolis, Ondo state, Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture, 2012 more… BibTeX