Dr.-Ing. Jorge Espinoza

Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl von 2008 bis 2014
- Espinoza, J. (2013): Environmental Risks and Land Conflicts in Latin America: Challenges for the Land Sector in Capacity Development. Paper submitted to the World Bank’s Annual Conference on Land and Poverty 2013, Washington DC.
- Espinoza, J. (2012): Towards improved governance of indigenous land in Chile: Challenges and opportunities regarding indigenous land rights from a systemic perspective. Paper submitted to the 8th FIG (International Federation of Surveyors) Regional Conference, 26 29.11.2012, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- Espinoza, J. (2012): Improving Land Sector Governance for the Achievement of Sustainability.
An Assessment of Chile’s Land Tenure System. Paper submitted to the World Bank’s Annual Conference on Land and Poverty. 23 – 26.04.2012, Washington DC. - Espinoza, J. (2012): Land Tenure Security Status in Chile. Paper prepared for the collaboration project between Chair of Land Management – Technische Universität München, UN-Habitat’s Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). (To be published)
- Espinoza, J. and J.J. Gomez (2011). The Interplay of Geography and Land Management on Opposite Sides of the Pacific Rim: Lessons to be learned from A Policy and Spatial Comparison of Chile and the Philippines. Paper submitted to the Regional Geographic Conference. Santiago de Chile, 14-18.11.2011
- Espinoza, J. (2011): Land Use Planning in Chile: Challenges from the perspective of good land governance. Paper submitted to GIZ Conference South-South Dialogue, Land Use Planning – A Response to Current Constraints and Challenges of Development. 20th – 24th of June 2011, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Espinoza, J. (2011): What is Required to Promote Good Land Governance in the 21st Century? Paper submitted to the World Bank’s Annual Conference on Land and Poverty. 18 – 20.04.2011, Washington DC.
- Magel, H, Espinoza, J. Masum, F. and Klaus, M. (2010). Capacity building for land management: A key component of effective strategies for improving rural-urban interrelationship. Paper submitted to International Symposium of Land Management, May 10-11, 2010, Hanover, Germany
- Magel, H., Espinoza, J., Klaus, M. and Masum, F. (2009). Capacity Building in land management: The need for establishing a global academic partnership. Paper submitted to 7th FIG Regional Conference on ‘Spatial data serving people: Land governance and the environment – Building the capacity’, October 19-22, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam