On October 9, 2023, Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled ‘From Affordable Housing to Slum: Assessment of the Causes, Effects and Solutions in the City of Enugu, Nigeria’.
Vineet Chaturvedi from the Chair of Land Management gave a keynote speech at the 7th Advances in Geomatics Research Conference (AGRC2023) held at Makerere University Kampala, Uganda on the 17th – 18th August 2023.
“Wassergerechtigkeit in Stadt und Land – Garant für gleichwertige Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen” – Das war die zentrale Botschaft von Ehrenpräsident Prof. Holger Magel bei der Eröffnung des traditionellen Sommerkolloquiums der Bayerischen Akademie Ländlicher Raum und der Hanns Seidel Stiftung…
Student-led project Plant a Seed builds -yet another!- Sustainable Living Lab at TUM. Plant a Seed aims to raise awareness and skills on urban gardening, while making TUM greener and more sustainable. After building the first Sustainable Living Lab at the main campus in Munich back in 2021, they…