The delegation was led by Prof. dr. Per Kåre Sky, professor in land consolidation and land tenure, and Head of department, associate prof. Helén Elisabeth Elvestad from the Department of property and law. From TUM Prof. de Vries introduced the Chair, Dr. Duran the LMGS Master program and Dr. Chigbu the PhD program. In addition there were introductions to the specific PhD research by Ernest Uwayezu, Marco Hölzel, Cheonjae Lee, Bayarmaa Byambaa and Tobias Bendzko. From NMBU prof. Håvard Steinsholt introduced the Master’s degree program in Land Management at NMBU, prof. Terje Holsen the Master’s degree program in Property Development - prof. Terje Holsen, Prof. Per Kåre Sky the PhD-program in Society, Development and Planning / Research group for land consolidation, property development and property registration and Mr. Fredrik Holth the Research group for planning, land acquisition and expropriation. The Chair and the NMBU agreed to foster further collaboration through joint article and book writing, staff and student exchange and the development of joint research proposals.
Herzlich willkommen am Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung
Welcome to the Chair of Land Management at TUM!