
Visit of Indonesian Land Agency to Munich

On 15 and 16 November, the Indonesian Land Agency (ATR/BPN) visited Munich in order to explore how to support the process of digitalisation in land registration.

Director General Land registration Suyus Windayana during visit at TUM
Director General Land registration Suyus Windayana during visit at TUM
Visit to Bavarian State Office for Digitalization, Broadband and Surveying
Visit to Bavarian State Office for Digitalization, Broadband and Surveying
Visit to the the Bavarian Ministry of Justice
Visit to the the Bavarian Ministry of Justice
Indonesian delegation National Land Agency in Munich
Indonesian delegation National Land Agency in Munich

The Chair of Land Management together with TUM International GmbH hosted the visit and provided presentations on the current research and education by the Chair, with specific reference to the research in Indonesia itself, the doctoral research on the renewable energy-land nexus in Indonesia and the doctoral research on blockchain for land registration. In addition, the delegation was accompanied to visits to the Bavarian State Office for Digitalization, Broadband and Surveying, the Bavarian Ministry of Justice and the Association of Notaries.